You can take your whole family, including you cousins, aunts and uncles for a reasonable price, and you can be a Hero twice. Once when you take your family out to dinner and again by supporting the Fire Department!

Click on poster for a ridiculously large scale version.
For those of you who haven't tried the BBQ it's a must do. I work Saturdays and usually pick up meals to go and bring them home. The portions are huge and the food is excellent. Do you and yours a favor and give it a try. It's a great way to feed folks if you've got company for the holiday weekend.
Now, I know why I haven't heard you on blogging much lately. You've been working on the fundraiser. Good luck and I'll try and stop by.
Thanks for the reminder Ernie! I can't wait to take my Mom.
To change the scale of the pic go to edit post, edit html, look for
width --1225px × height 1600px
change it to whatever size you want keeping the same ratio. eg
612px x 800px is half the size, which would work good.
Thanks Suzy. I've been wondering how to do that, but not enough to work to find it.
See! All comes to those who wait!
exactly! Youre a wise old soul... Becuz some dudes get impatient. They think that the waiting is the hard part. And in a way i guess they have a point LOL!
A hard man is good to find, Ernie, and if he can wait then all will come, LOL! Yep, its true, usually if yuo can just hold on a little longer, Suzy will, er, --Suzy will arrive and then you can shrink your pixels :o)
it must be spring
YOU FOLKS HAVE A GREAT TIME AT THE BARBEQUE,wish we could have made it! its almost time for ROSS to make a trip over your way and see how that new bridge is doing at confusion a child,it used to scare me going along that side cut in the side of the hill,that they are bypassing now.
i would just like to talk this opportunity to thank the nice gentleman who backed his pretty white Branscomb Center truck which had me blocked in out of my way so that i could back my red rav out of the driveway by Chautauqua yesterday.
Suzy, if that was you, I was a totally jerk and I am sorry! I will take the time to explain later. Right now I'm total tired, and I am going to get some rest. Keep good thoughts!
Dang Ernie!!!!!! I'm glad I wasn't there or I would most likely been throwing rocks along side you. That's scary, Suzy is my favorite at this place.
Uh oh.
8:10 AM
I laugh every time I read this comment from Robin.
I wish all the folks that write to Ernies Blog could get together for a sitdown visit. Not just the ones that write here but the ones that read the great writings of the smart and intelligent folks that contribute to Ernies's blog. I ain't one of the smart folks but I enjoy the ones that are.
I just have a little magic and it's not all they say it is.
How do you spell Ernissss? One s or two.
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