Kym does mostly sunrises, with a good camera, so I so mostly sensets with my cellphone camera. I took this photo with my cellphone from the hill behind my house. It's a Benbow Sunset that I took last fall. I call it "Glory Beyond the Hill". I figger' if I'm going to be an artist. I'm going to need a good line of bullshit. (Can I say that on this blog?) Oh... That's right, that's what this blog is all about.
How do you get the photo from your phone to your computer?
The phone has an email program and I email it to myself. Then I cut and paste it into a photo file then I transfer it to the blogsite.
I think that a real smart person could go directly from the email to the blogsite. I just go with what works for me. It's easier than figuring it all out.
Nice Crepuscular rays!
Anon 2:25 PM
Ernie is great with e-mails but I just use a USB cable to transfer my phone photos to the PC.
Actually I have a "blue-tooth" phone & computer, and I can download my photos that way. But if I e-mail them, I can access them anywhere that I'm at a computer.
So, I'm probably too "techie", for the rest of you guys.
You are way too techie for me Ernie but you should be careful lumping everyone else together as I think that puts you on VERY thin ice.
Thanks, Ernie and the folks who post messages here, for keeping the tone polite and the attitude helpful.
Ernie's Place is like an oasis from the Eureka Times-Standard Topix forum, where no amount of moderating can prevent wholesale name-calling.
The lack of civility is bad enough. Worse than that is the lack of intelligence of people there who think sprinkling their comments with words such as "moron" adds strength to their arguments!
Amen to that!
Ernie, that is beautiful. What a gorgeous place we live in!
yikes... the real crepuscular rays site!
sorry about the previous mislink!
That is absolutely gorgeous, Ernie!!!
Thank you for posting a picture of a pretty sunet, Ernie, rather than one of spiders & snakes or, heaven forbid, a recent one of yourself. I just don't want to see a picture of those blue teeth OR one of you (or anybody else) puking a computer! My imagination is bad enough...
Ernie, do you have blue teeth???
Just to keep up with you Ernie, I sent a picture to Robin showing my grand daughter petting a cotton mouth. It was one Ally's dad caught. Last week it was an armadillo but Robin didn't get to see that photo.
I am posting here because I think Robin is not very nice to you today and since she seems to have time to write in the middle of the afternoon, she could have offered to help cut and wrap a bear that took me most of the day to do by MYSELF.
ERNIE!!!!! Oregon's pickin' on me!
One of the clouds is an armadillo.
You know, Oregon, Ernie's the one who said he has a blue tooth & is puking computers. I didn't make that up! Sheesh.
I got it finally, Ernie only has one tooth and it is blue in color.
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