Monday, October 24, 2011

New blog in town.

There is a brand new blog in Garberville called "Garberville". You can use it for town news and events, help make your concerns public. Generally it's all things Garberville.

Please link to it if you will. I expect it to go viral. I can't believe that nobody thought of this before now.

Click on this link for more info....


  1. I linked it to my blog Ernie. I do enjoy reading about Garberville.

    Although I was only briefly involved with the community as Publisher of The Redwood Record (1987-89) - now defunct or morphed into the Redwood Times - depends on how you look at it - I've followed events in Garberville since.

    Garberville is a unique and interesting town, and I look forward to future posts on your new blog Ernie.

  2. You folks are always talkin' about "mary-jane over there. Thats for relaxing,ain't it???
    I want something to keep me awake,"work harder". I want some cross-tops or Crank. Anyone else on my level?

    Oregon,Spy,C2C ????

  3. I heard a vicious rumor that SFHS changed the colors and mascot, is this true?


  4. I didn't go to South Fork,but I can sure remember my Sisters Cheer leading outfit and colors!!

  5. Yeah Ross, Blue and Gold and the mascot is/was cubs. I heard the other day it was changed and I was sure someone would have or, could have answered my question but it looks like it fell onto deaf eyes.


  6. Anyone else on my level?

    i think there might be a few cranksters still alive.
    probably lost all their teeth and hair though. like to smack their lips a whole lot. like to talk smack a whole lot. wanna be bikers do it to get courage when they have to fight someone. basically because they are cs without it. it wasn't so bad when the bikers made it, now the cartels make it and control it. so it's pretty toxic stuff these days. just a matter of time before you wind up in jail or wind up dead. a short time. it's a very addictive drug. one of the hardest to kick. i've known all kinds of cranksters. the ones that quit are still alive. some of them are doing very well. the ones that couldn't quit are dead. right now, i only know one.
    another shirt tail relative.
    hope they can kick it before it kicks theirs.
    why don't you just skydive without a chute. the rush is incredible and unlike crank it isn't addictive.

  7. Forklift drivers who work the late shifts,need some help too!!
    Benny was always a good help!!!

  8. All right, all right. My eyes hear good enough, I thought of some pretty humorous things to say, but I couldn't think of anything that would be fair to the students that go there. They are some pretty great kids! So, I'm going to just have to forgo the humor and say that they just painted my windows for a school event, and it was blue and gold, and the mascot is still the bear cub.


  10. Thank you Ern.
    Did you know that SFHS started in 1926 and held school in tents.
    The first principle was from UC at Berkley and that is why SFHS is blue and gold and Cubs. Like the Bruins.
    My memory is feeble now days but I think we had a "first home coming"
    ( don't hold me to this ) back in the old days and all the graduates were listed on the bleachers in the gym. It turned out that at the time there were 2 graduates from 1926.

  11. Of the two graduates from 1926 it turned out, one was killed in a truck wreck and the other was in prison. No graduates in 1927 so it was decided by somebody not to list the first two years of the alumni.


  12. Thanks for the school history. That was great. Now tell me about the dog in the following link =


  13. Oops, and the kid on #87. Isn't 87 in the amatuer class?

  14. pssst, I got your crosstops for ya, plus plenty of crank, meth, crystal, crack, speed, tweek, buzz, etc. I can send it via UPS. How much money you got? Send it all to Suzy c/o Radio Shack Garberville ... Are you interested in girls? Watches? Guns? ... how about a fake driver's license? I'm totally on your level.


  15. now to talk about the speed i like. like ross, i like speed. must run in the family. since the 60's on wooden boards, clay wheels, straight down the hills of san francisco. last time was the mid 70's in mountain subdivisions. clocked at 45 mph one time. biggest rush you can imagine. better than sex. surfing. shooting across a a 6 to 12 foot wave, going for it. on a paipo, greenough clone knee board, surfmat, bouncing a foot or 2 down the wave. had to delay taking my blood pressure medicine until after work. actually blacked out once driving full bore down a warehouse, clipped a stack of 4 pallets. caffene works for me. can't do anything stronger because of my blood pressure. a couple of cups of coffee. the american way. speeding in a car. yeah i did that too, recently, just ask the chp. i had that no fear thing going on for many years. risked my life more times than i can remember.
    but i was super healthy in those days. there just came a day when there was nothing more to prove.

  16. The dog is Cisco, one of the family here.
    Jamey was showing me how to transfer a link and I chose your blog for the showing. It didn't come up blue so I left it blank.


  17. Suzy
    A dude just came in the door and handed me a Murrish shopping bag with ten thousand dollars in bunles of one hundred dollar bills. He said: "tell your friend, that Suzy chic, that I'd better get my money's worth or this is her last deal". What's up with that????

  18. Oregon, keep trying. The dog looks like he has a bit of aussy in it.

  19. Half Blue Healer, half Jack Russel.
    Sweet dog but a pest sometimes.


  20. Looks just like a dog named SKIP, in the movie, Last of the. Dogmen!

  21. Ernie baby, buddy boy, i love you dude!!! So if you just deposit the money in my acct. at the CCU.\ #394969 I'll let you keep the Murish's bag. Lucky you, if it's an original, circa 1980s, you can get up to 75 cents or more for it on ebay. And Ernie, Mendes' bags are fetching over a dollar a piece.

    You see the benefits you get from entertaining someone who is always busy immersing herself in our local history and how it impacts culture?

    btw, if you see the dude again tell him that i need another 20k.

    Apartment at 1315 I Street, Eureka

    X-Street: 13th Street
    1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom
    Rent: $620, Deposit: $720

    Stove, Electric Stove, Refrigerator, Carpets, Water Paid, Garbage Paid, Onsite Laundry, Small Yard, New Paint, Window Coverings, Month-to-Month Basis, Wall Heater, Cats Considered

    Contact information, and list:
    Yard, Deck, Pets OK in some units!
