Thursday, October 27, 2011

The joys of alcohol use

Kym Kemp just did a post about the possible side affects of Marijuana use. In fairness, I thought that  maybe I should give my readers a few of the downsides of alcohol use. To illustrate my point, I decided that I should use a model that was unaffected by social pressures, like maybe animals.

There is a fruit tree in Africa that the fruit ferments on the tree. Animals wait to eat the fruit until it ferments, which show some kind of pre-planing. All good things are worth waiting for! Animals of all species seem to get along great while engaging in alcohol use at the local hangout.

I laughed until my sides split watching the elephant on it's knees while snaking his trunk out to grab more fermented fruit. He doesn't have that "Help I've fallen and can't reach my drink" syndrome. His trunk is long enough to reach it anyway. The monkeys, who are obviously husband and wife, seem to get it on real good, but he seems to have and impairment...

The video is in french, which makes no difference, the language is in the universal language which seems to come to every person (and animal) when enough alcohol is applied.

I watched the video several times, I had to quit because my sides were hurting and I can't push my face back into shape from laughing. You can make you own conclusions about who has the most fun, a drunk or a stoner.




  1. I also liked the "peek a boo" video that followed...............

  2. Drinking is always the solution. If something bad happens you drink to forget. If something good happens you drink to celebrate. If nothing happens you drink to make something happen.

  3. Dents on the Riverwood dance floor from my head...
    I'm still here 'cause I quit...

  4. That was funny :) Makes you wonder if there's also a hangover affect.

  5. The Wife and I "drink", to put up with each other,its a vicious cycle...........

  6. No "action" on here anymore??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
