Friday, October 21, 2011

How many ways can you say "Group"

A group of antelope is called a herd.
A group of ants is called an army or a colony.
A group of apes is called a shrewdness.
A group of baboons is called a troop.
A group of badgers is called a cete.
A group of bass is called a shoal.
A group of bears is called a sleuth or a sloth.
A group of beavers is called a colony.
A group of bees is called a swarm, grist or hive.
A group of birds is called a flock, flight or volery.
A group of boars is called a sounder.
A group of buffalo is called a herd.
A group of bucks is called a brace or clash.
A group of caterpillar is called an army.
A group of cats is called a clowder or clutter.
A group of cattle is called a herd or drove.
A group of chickens is called a brood or peep.
A group of chicks is called a clutch or chattering.
A group of cobras is called a quiver.
A group of colts is called a rag.
A group of cows is called a kine.
Twelve cows is called a flink.
A group of coyotes is called a band.
A group of cranes is called a sedge or siege.
A group of crocodiles is called a float.
A group of crows is called a murder.
A group of cubs is called a litter.
A group of deer is called a herd.
A group of dogs is called a pack.
A group of donkeys is called a herd or pace.
A group of doves is called a dule.
A group of ducks is called a brace, paddling or team.
A group of eagles is called a convocation.
A group of elephants is called a herd or a parade.
A group of seals is called a pod.
A group of elk is called a gang.
A group of emus is called a mob.
A group of falcons is called a cast.
A group of ferrets is called a business.
A group of finches is called a charm.
A group of foxes is called a skulk or leash.
A group of frogs is called an army or colony.
A group of geese is called a flock, gaggle or skein.
A group of gnats is called a cloud or horde.
A group of goldfish is called a troubling.
A group of gorillas is called a band.
A group of greyhounds is called a leash.
A group of hares is called a down or husk.
A group of hawks is called a cast or kettle.
A group of hens is called a brood.
A group of herons is called a hedge.
A group of hogs is called a drift or parcel.
A group of horses is called a team, pair or harras.
A group of hounds is called a pack, mute or cry.
A group of kittens is called a kindle or litter.
A group of larks is called a exaultation.
A group of leopards is called a leep or leap .
A group of lions is called a pride.
A group of magpies is called a tiding.
A group of mallards is called a sord.
A group of martens is called a richness.
A group of moles is called a labor.
A group of mules is called a barren or span .
A group of owls is called a parliment.
A group of parrots is called a company.
A group of partridges is called a covey.
A group of peacocks is called a muster or ostentation.
A group of pheasants is called a nest or bouquet.
A group of plovers is called a congregation.
A group of ponies is called a string.
A group of rattlesnakes is called a rhumba.
A group of ravens is called an unkindness.
A group of rhinos is called a crash.
A group of rooks is called a building or clamor.
A group of snakes is called a nest.
A group of snipes is called a walk or wisp.
A group of sparrows is called a host.
A group of squirrels is called a dray.
A group of starlings is called a murmuration.
A group of storks is called a mustering.
A group of swine is called a sounder or drift.
A group of teals is called a spring.
A group of toads is called a knot.
A group of trout is called a hover.
A group of turkeys is called a rafter.
A group of turtledoves is called a pitying.
A group of turtles is called a bale.
A group of woodcocks is called a fall.
A group of woodpeckers is called a descent .



  1. A Murder of Crows!

  2. " The mass's are ass's".
    The didn't make that up, my old friend Bill used to say that.


  3. The reason that I looked it up is that I didn’t know what a group of watersnakes were. Whether it was a “school” like fish, or a “nest” like snakes.

    A group of rattlesnakes is called a “rhumba”. Actually a “rhumba” is what I do gettin’ outa’ there!

    Charlie, I knew that Crows were a "murder", but I just found out that a group of ravens, my totem and namesake bird, were called an "unkindness". Hilarious!

  4. It seems like if there are a bunch of snakes in the water they should be called a "slurry of snakes".
    Just seems like.


  5. I love lists:

    bacteria - culture
    barracudas - battery
    bats - cloud
    botterns - sledge
    bobolinks - chain
    budgerigars - chatter
    bullocks - drove
    butterflies - rabble
    buzzards - wake
    camels - train
    cheetahs - coalition
    clams - bed
    cockroaches - intrusion
    coots - covert
    cormorants - gulp
    crabs - cast
    curs - cowardice
    dolphins - pod
    dotterel - trip
    dunlins - fling
    eels - array
    finches - charm
    flamingos - stance
    flies - hatch
    giraffes - corps
    gnus - implausibility
    guinea hens - confusion
    guillemots - bazaar
    hippopotami - bloat
    hyenas - cackle
    jays - party
    kangaroos - mob
    ladybugs - loveliness
    lapwings - deceit
    loons - raft
    mares - stud
    mice - mischief
    meerkats - mob
    minnows - steam
    otters - romp
    oxen - team
    oysters - bed
    pelicans - squadron
    penguins - rookery
    pigeons - kit
    prairie dogs - coterie
    race horses - string
    rats - colony
    ruffs - hill
    sardines - family
    schnauzers - stench
    sharks - shiver
    skunks - surfeit
    skylarks - ascension
    stingrays - fever
    swans - lamentation
    termites - brood
    thrushes - mutation
    tigers - ambush
    unicorns - blessing
    vultures - committee
    weasels - boogle
    wombats - wisdom
    yellow-jackets - pladge
    zebras - dazzle

  6. Who makes this stuff up anyway?


  7. An exaltation of larks
    A shiver of sharks
    A scurry of squirrels
    A scold of jays
    A parliament of owls
    A wake of buzzards
    A paddling of ducks
    A pounce of cats
    A mask of raccoons
    A romp of otters
    A run of coyotes
    And a chain of lynx

  8. A Troupe of Shrimp

  9. A ""Bunch" works for me!
    Or a whole "shit pot".

  10. Ross, ditto.


  11. C2c AKA Shrimp LoverOctober 21, 2011 at 9:07 PM

    Combine and marinate over nite
    Grill slow and brush on marinate!
    Your tongue will beat your forehead to death to get at the shrimp!

  12. Oregon stole the salt!LOL

  13. Shrimp

    Homey? That must refer to your dog --LOL@

  14. Latrodectus Mactans

  15. I'm not sure what Charlie is saying here. As most of you already know a Latrodectus Mactans is a black widow spider.

    I'm not sure if he is calling someone a black widow or not. In the hopi culture Spider Woman is the creator of everything.

    So Charlie is making a big insult or he is holding someone in great regaurd. I love mysteries!

  16. For Ernie: Charlie might be right to reply to your 'Murder of Crows' with the Latrodectus Mactans, for in her empty egg sack is found a coagulant that modern Medicine would like to replicate in the Lab. Put one of them little spheres on a gushing wound and in mere seconds the silk binds the blood and tissue, and don't sting to high heavens like SALT.

  17. Ernie, Come Come, a mystery?
    I remembered something that had no group name! Ernie, this is a special southern spider!
    The Houma Indians call her;
    Bras Prique`Zool veuve F noire! Bras was the most evil woman French Pirate that ever lived. And like the spider killed her mate. And has no friends. Only enemy's! And no group name! To get this spider to come out you beat on the web(homey) and she can't resist running to the vibrations!

    To jon, I carry the silk in my medicine bag! But warn you she puts venom on the silk for thieves! If your allergic like me, like all women you have to get use to the poison over time!

    Insult? Never! Game? Yes!

  18. real easy. groupies for all you teenyboppers out there.

  19. Here name is Anne Dieu-Le-Veut. The indians called her Pirate Widow Spider. All of our lives together fall short of this Woman Pirate! To live during her time! To serve under her!

  20. Gold Dust Woman

    Rock on--gold dust woman
    Heartless challenge
    Pick your path and I'll pray
    Wake up in the morning
    See your sunrise--don't you know
    Ruler lovers--pick their prey

    But they never cry out
    Never cry out loud
    Not even if they have to
    Rock on woman
    ancient queen
    See those who pale
    In your shadow

    Well did she make you cry,
    Make you break down,
    Shatter your illusions of love
    Well is it over now ,
    Do you know how to pick up the pieces and go home

    Ooh black widow, ooh yeah
    Gold Dust Woman
    Runnin' in the shadows,
    Gold Dust
    Runnin' in the shadows,
    Gold Dust
    Runnin' in the shadows,

  21. A picture was painted!

    There was the Queen!

    RA! Was there!

    And I in between!

    How could this be?

    With Raven's help!

    I read your Dreams!


  22. Given his newly clean bill of health, Ernie is now cured from the pockets of:

    A brow of doctors
    A guess of diagnosticians
    A hive of allergists
    A series of radiologists
    A colony of bacteriologists
    A rash of dermatologists
    A flutter of cardiologists
    A graft of surgeons
    A pile of proctologists
    A void of urologists
    A liter of lab samples
    A flush of toilets
    A flap of gowns
    A smear of gynecologists
    A unison of undertakers
    And an overcharge of accounts

    (Ok. The smear was a stretch. Good health to all, there's only so many days left)

  23. Thanks for the idea for this week's Journal cartoon, Ernie.

  24. You are completely welcome!

    I really enjoy your cartoons. Somehow I think that you would have come up with something equally as good without my help.

    Pretty funny!

    For the rest of you that are wondering what this is about, click on Joel's name above.

