Sunday, July 1, 2012

So sorry!

As much as I love blogging, I haven't been doing much lately... maybe you noticed. I do have a quite a few half-written posts that I have in my "Blog Drafts" file. Some are still timely and some are simply outdated, but I will probably go through them and see if there is anything still in there that will pique your interest. This is just a short note to say how sorry that I am that I haven't been keeping up.

But of course, you will be wanting to know why I haven't been here writing. Well the old cliche "I been busy" still holds true. I am very fortunate in these times that are difficult for some, because of the bad economy, I have been getting a lot of jobs. I hate turning down jobs for fear that there may not be as many in the future. Springtime is always good for refrigeration, but this have been a great year for me. Deferred maintainance can eventually catch up with people, and I believe that a lot of the majors repair calls that I've been getting are because people have put repairs off too long.

I have also been installing some new equipment, some has been in Fortuna. I bid the Fortuna job last summer and it is just now being finished. Gas prices went sky-high, so I tried to put in full days to minimize trips. Fortunatley gas is coming back down again, that and the job is 99% finished. I'm looking forward to catching back up again. Usually I catch up around the first week in July, but I don't see any end in sight this year.

I need to apologize to some people, Mainly Joe Erwin, who tried to meet with me for lunch. I was not able to reply in a timely fashion and my window of opportunity closed. Joe, if you are still reading, email me at my email address in the upper left corner on this blog. I don't get email addresses on comments, and yes, I'd like to meet for coffee or lunch. Also, a few other people have emailed me that I could not respond to, I regret that, but when you are up to your ass in alligators, it's hard to remember that you were trying to drain the swamp.

The part that I enjoy the most about blogging is the comments that I get. I think that this blog has the better  comments than most other blogs. Did I say that right???


  1. Yeah it's been a bit depressing -- I check this blog weekly and have done so for years. Given all the history of the area, there's certainly a lot to write about.

    One thing I've always wondered -- back when I was a child, the trail maps for Richardson Grove showed a "future highway bypass" on the east side of the park/river. Whatever happened to that and when was that introduced?

  2. Yes, the comments here are nice.

  3. Anon
    Back in the '60's building a freeway past Richardson Grove would have been a piece of cake. They built the easiest sections first, to get the most bang for the buck. The Grove bypass was "complicated" because the east side of the river is steep, forested and prone to slipping and sliding, so it was put on the shelf for last.

    Andriana Gianturko and Jerry Brown formed Caltrans from the Division of Highways for the expressed purpose of stealing highway tax money for "Transportation". The highway money was spent on rapid transit systems and trains. The federal government canceled their funding for highways because Jerry's theft didn't fit in their Interstate Highway System plans. California lost three billion dollars in federal transportation funds. The California highway system never recovered, and never will.

    The bypass on the east side of the river is impossible to impliment nowadays. It would be too expensive and it would be opposed by the "sudo-environmentalists" that fight everything.

    By far the most practical solution would be the harmless re-aligning of the Richardson Grove bottleneck. It won't harm the grove and it will save the environment by not mucking up the east hillside.

  4. I've been missing your blog posts. I feel like I'm wrapped with a warm blanket of Humboldtness when I sit in a dark house rambling over things thought about by Ernie.

  5. Off topic..... the new noaa weather site has a 3 Day link
    that doesn't work but you can still get it by going here...... 95 today at the con camp. Summer seems to be here

  6. Any way your are now comeback to continue posting some informative posting.

  7. Ass up to Alligators? Along the Trinity River we used to say, "Busier than a set of jumper cables at an Okie wedding"

  8. Just hi! Came upon your blog by chance, am from California, miss it, not from as far north but love the Eel River valley, like your blog.

  9. Hey Ernie, I almost got up your way in June. I had a meeting in Sacramento and Davis, and was planning a trip to the old Erwin home place at Panther Gap. I only got as far as Lake County and ran out of time. So, wishing you well. Cousin Naoma and I were remembering you just today. Take care.
    Joe Erwin

  10. Hi Ernie -

    Thank you for the info! I always look forward to your responses to my questions.

  11. Looking forward for the next awesome post....
