Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Estelle Fennell Elected 2nd Dist Supervisor

Estelle Fennell has been elected as Humboldt County's new second district Supervisor.
It is a new day in day dawning. Estelle worked very hard to gain this elected position. She is a very hard worker and she is very intelligent. She will find ways to help all the people of Humboldt County to get their fair due. Her job will be made even more difficult by the whole nations poor economy, but she is capable of doing quite well as a negotiator, and there will be a difference.

 Estelle's partner, Kathleen Creager, was the second most involved and equally as hard a worker in the campaign. She is one of the hardest working "behind the scenes" workers that there is. Estelle had a lot of people involved in her campaign, too numerous to name them all, but it seemed that if only Estelle's campaign workers voted for her she would be sure to be elected.

On a personal note, I often wondered if my support helped her or hurt her more, and I expressed that to her several times. She assured me that it didn't bother her that I might have lost her votes and that she appreciated my support. She ran her campaign honestly and enjoyed the people that tried to help her. She took an "it is what it is" approach. Her first comments when it started to become hopeful that she might be elected was to thank the people that supported her. Her text to me at 2:23 AM June 6th was, "I love you, Thank you for all you did to help". I couldn't help but think of all of the things that I did that was maybe not that helpful.

I have purposely avoid terming this election as a "win or lose" situation. I don't think that anyone truly wins or loses in an election. It is simply a changing of the guard. But, I do think that the people of Humboldt County have gained a great leader.


  1. Ernie, we couldn't have put it better ourselves.

  2. "I don't think that anyone truly wins or loses in an election"

    You couldn't be more incorrect Ernie. Cliff got fewer votes and he lost. truly making Cliff the loser. I checked a few sources and they all agreed.

    Oh and on a brighter note. Estelle is truly the winner! Yeah Estelle

  3. Yes, Estelle is a winner, but I can hardly think of Clif as a loser.

    He has worked hard for our district and he deserves all the respect than can be afforded him. He is good, honest, and an incredibly nice person. I personally like Clif a lot. I only question some of his decisions but never his integrity.

  4. Maybe there's a job for Clif at Hum CPR...

  5. Hey, Ernie. How have you been? Just checking in. I might be up your way next week. Maybe I can buy you a cup of coffee....

  6. This is Joe Erwin. Let me know if you'll be around next week, Ernie.

  7. "Yes, Estelle is a winner, but I can hardly think of Clif as a loser.

    He has worked hard for our district and he deserves all the respect than can be afforded him. He is good, honest, and an incredibly nice person. I personally like Clif a lot. I only question some of his decisions but never his integrity."

    What is Wrong with you? by definition when someone loses they are losers, so hardly thinking... oh I understand now

  8. Back when the TPZ debacle happened, the Board showed their true power, and why it matters who you elect, when, with virtually no notice, and egged on by Lovelace's forces (he was not a Supervisor at the time), and fueled with anti-Palco zeal, they cast a vote which affected every Humboldt County resident's private property rights.

    It was Clif's, and Estelle's, apparent stance on that issue which affected the vote. Clif being a nice guy was not enough to offset the worry that he may share the Lovelace mindset.

    And it was Lovelace's overstepping way back then, which set in motion a much more dedicated electorate, willing to support candidates like Estelle over Clif.

    It's going to be interesting. And, in general, You're lucky, as we are in the Fifth District. Most of the time, we have good candidates running, and whoever wins, we win. You had two good people, and I think you're very fortunate. Estelle will do a great job, and she is known to be beloved by many. Congratulations.

  9. Thanks Rose

    One of the most interesting things in this change of supervisors will be what happens in the lame duck meetings. Will they kick the can down the road for the newly elected to deal with, or will they make hasty decisions to please their sponsors.

    One thing that interested me is how "local Solutions" laid so low in this election. It was pretty obvious that their politics were at play, but it was more clandestine this election.

  10. I agree, Ernie, especially now that they're finding social engineering language embedded in the 'plan.' Things like unplanned children being a detriment to the county, and what do they plan to do about that?

    How many items were tabled for a meeting, to be acted upon later, and never returned to? More than a few.

    The whole thing needs to be re-examined, with an eye towards making sure EVERY SINGLE PARAGRAPH errs first on the side of personal liberty and private property rights. Like doctor "First do no harm."

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