Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Internet censorship?

Photo by Kim Sallaway

          Go to  for explaination.



  1. I’m sure that you have all read the links that I have provided to wikipedia. In being a person the likes to simplify things down to basic ideas, what the politicians are trying to do is blame the internet for violating copyright infringements, and pass laws that allows them to censor the internet.

    If a person goes out on the street and sells another persons ideas, the government shouldn’t deal with them by closing the street, or restricting the traffic that goes by the offender. They should arrest and charge the offender with copyright infringement.

    In the same vein, if a person goes on the internet and sells another persons ideas, the government shouldn’t deal with them by closing the internet, or restricting the traffic that goes by the offender. They should arrest and charge the offender with copyright infringement.

    It seems to me that, that is logic that is so solid that it could be hit with a hammer. But, what can you expect from lawmakers that can’t even pass a budget or bring jobs back to American shores.

  2. (I hope that Kim Sallaway doesn't sue me for copyright infringement, I gave him full photo credit!)

  3. So... Has anybody out there figured out a "Go-around" to access wikipedia anyway? I have, but I'm not revealing it in solidarity with wikipedia)

  4. What photo Ernie?

    I don't see a photo, just a black space...

    you don't think Kim Sallaway made it go away

    do you?

  5. I think that he was showing us what his photos would look like if they were censored.

    I thought that it was a great statement. My wife always says that I'm "a little different".

  6. Actually Ernie, because you displayed the faux banned image, that act itself could be deemed illegal and your blog could be taken offline under the new regime. And yes, they could respond by taking your individual blog, or the whole of (many thousands of blogs), offline.

    But you need not actually display the image on your blog. The mere act of placing a text link to banned information that *someone else* is publishing would brand you a criminal. That's akin to getting slapped in irons for giving someone directions to the public library.

    My favorite quote of the day: "Hollywood’s right to make bad business decisions stops at the point where it threatens our freedom of speech." @evanatwired

  7. the big money behind this censorship is your ole buddy rupert murdoch. an australian trying to make himself filthy rich by taking over our country. rupert murdoch is a corporate pirate. he's not satisfied being a billionaire. he wants to be a trillionaire. he probably already is. he is a greedy little bugger.

  8. Murdoc is probably a good suspect alright. He owns too much and has too much power.

  9. This is really Unk John, Ernie, blogspot wouldn't let me through.

    I just want to warn you that you could be in worse trouble than you thought when it comes to copyright infringement.

    In the early 60's, I saw that some painting in Time magazine. The artist called it,"Night". He won a couple thousand dollars for it. Your picture is exactly the same as his painting ... down to the smallest detail.

    Beware the copyright cops, Ernie.
