Friday, January 20, 2012

Gingrich rips John King

For those of you who missed it.

I don't know about you, but I am sick to death with debate forums that invite candidates to participate in a debate, then hold the candidates hostage to their own agenda. Whether you are Democrat, Republican, Independent or other, I think that it is time to discuss the issues and not the "issues". Knute probably won the hearts and minds of many Americans with his wise reply to a smutty question by John King. I liked the way that he didn't even give King an easy way out, but nailed his toes to the floor as he tried to squirm away.

For those of you who missed it click on the following video.........

ADDENDUM: More stupid questions. This one is from Fox News. I just wanted to prove that I'm "fair and balanced".:


  1. Proving once again that there really IS such a thing as a stupid question.

    Has anybody heard any of the news people ask: “How exactly would you bring jobs back to America”. Or, better yet, “How would you bring about a balance of trade with other counties that we have no voting rights in?” or “What should we do about countries that don’t observe and share our environmental concerns?” and “Why should we buy offshore products made without employee’s rights concerns?”

  2. Gingrich is a pious, hypocritical scumbag who would be happy as hell if such questions were asked of one of his opponents. Remember, Gingrich was carrying on one of his affairs as he was zealously promoting the prosecution in the impeachment of Clinton. How much lower can you go than Gingrich?

  3. Obama comes to mind.

  4. Gingrich looks "shifty", Maybe thats why I like him???

  5. I was taken with the fact that he was saying what I've often said. The news services never ask the questions that I want them to ask. But, of course, if the questions were asked the answers would be lies.

    My wife says she still doesn't like him. She's kind of like a good dog, you got to trust her instincts. I know that to you, that probably sounds like I'm insulting my wife, but she's a dog person, she'll understand.

  6. as i remember, the pizza ceo cain that was running for president also was in denial about having affairs during his marriage but he eventually dropped out of the race as more and more women began to tell their story and the truth came out. people like cain and gingrich believe that they are above the law and that they can do anything they want. like the banker that raped that maid in that new york hotel. it's interesting that rick sanatorium was on his tiptoes talking about newt's so called baggage if he becomes the republican nominee. i think the democrats would love to see newt win the republican nomination. he would be the easiest one to beat. so it doesn't make sense to me that they would try to discredit him. these republicans have been at each others throats the whole time like lately attacking mitt romney for being a capitalist. it sounds like the republicans have become the new liberation front advocating free sex, open marriage, and an end to capitalism. it's strange to see obama be more conservative than any of the republicans. maybe the poles have shifted. that would explain it.

  7. Yes, Joel, and the reporters were so diligent when it came to John Edwards, who they knew was cheating on HIS cancer stricken wife while he was running for President AND using her as a prop, weren't they.

    No, as I recall, it took the freaking National Enquirer to break the story all the regular reporters covered up.

    Double standard on steroids.

    It was WRONG for reporters to, in press conferences with foreign leaders, to ask Clinton about semen on a dress. Even if you believe those questions needed to be asked, there's a time and a place.

    There are bigger issues, serious issues, that need to be discussed, and Newt is correct in insisting that the media pull their heads out of the muck and actually do their jobs.

  8. I agree with Rose.

    I think that questions about fidelity have nothing to do with abilities as a President. If they were, we would have to have done without every single president except Harding(?) and Jimmy Carter and even he "lusted in his heart".

    George Washington's woman on the side was "Venus", a slave girl.

  9. Rose loves an opportunity to wax huffy about "bigger issues, serious issues, that need to be discussed."

    Im not defending the crappy press. I'm just saying that Newt's not attacking the media because he envisions a higher purpose for them, he's simply using an opportunity to further his chances at a nomination. He's a transparent hypocrite.
