Sunday, August 4, 2013

Reggae Weekend in Garberville.

Fun was had by all some!

Well, it obviously doesn't start with the artist.

Janis and I have been working hard, but happily, all summer. Mostly using weekends to try to catch up on all of the "Undones". Just this morning she said, "Lets do something just for ourselves today, and do something just for fun". I thought that was a good idea. Janis' flower boxes, that are normally fabulous, have been a little sick. I usually put on about three times the fertilizer that they are supposed to get, but this year I didn't even get the time to get any fertilizer. Her flowers look like crap. So, I thought that I would take my free time to get some flower food. As I drove through town I glanced at the store, to my surprise we had been tagged.

At first I laughed. I thought well, if it isn't one thing, it another. Then of course I got mad, just short of foam coming out of my mouth, and smoke coming out my ears. I contemplated how incredibly lucky the punks were that I didn't catch them. I thought about what I would say and do. slowly it occurred to me that I didn't really have a plan for this sort of rudeness. All that I know for sure is someone would have gotten hurt... Hopefully not me...

I continued to get flower food, then headed back to town. I called Janis to come look at her store. She was also bemused.

I was just thinking that the building was starting to look a little weather-beaten, but being short of time I have put off painting until this morning. Now my "day of fun, just for us" was fading. I got my ladder out, and my paint pan. I didn't have any of the right paint, but Good old SoHum Builders was open. I took a painted drain pipe down. They mixed and matched the paint for me. I only got a gallon because I wanted to make sure it was right. I zipped up the ladder and had the graffiti painted off in about ten minutes.

I was with a certain amount of glee that I thought about how hard these dipshits had to work to paint this crap, and how easy it was cover up. The graffiti just worked as a great primer. He who laughs last laughs best! HA HA belly-laugh HA!.

So, as it ended up, I did do something that I enjoyed today!

As an addendum: The Mateel had a town patrol this weekend for Reggae on the River. I sincerely think that they tried hard to protect the town, but with the kind of people that they have that come to these events, there is no way that they can cover everything. Good God only knows what would happened without a town patrol. I have no way of knowing for sure that the graffiti is even connected to Reggae...but it smells an awful lot like a duck.

The bottom photos are what the building looked like after a 10 minute paint job. Hey, it doesn't look great, but sure feels good. At least I know that the color will work when I paint the whole wall. There was some paint left over so I left it on the roof. Someone used the paint to leave their own message about what they thought about the taggers. Boy, do I agree!

These photos are the only thing left of most of the tagging. The photos are crude, I used my cellphone. If anybody wants to use them it is okay! Just say thanks. That way I don't have to do all the paper work that CNN requests.

To copy: If you have a real computer, just right click and follow the options. To make to a photo full size, left click to enlarge.


  1. Let your know if you need some help painting over the rest of that. Fast overpainting is the only way to stop this nonsense breeding - even here in Humboldt.

  2. "your readers," duh!!

  3. The most upsetting to me is what they did to the Eel River Cafe sign. That is unforgivable. The sign is very old and hard to keep in repair. It is part of the town's heritage and history. It’s like having someone slap your great grandmother. What could possibly be a justifiable reason for such evil.

  4. the reason is that there is no justifiable reason for such evil. i hear from some people, mostly what you would call newcomers, that it's ok to trash the ancestors. i would beg to disagree. i have never, in my million years on this planet, ever seen someone survive an act of disrespect. my coveloan upbringing left marks on my body reminding me that just because someone else is an idiot doesn't mean it's ok for you to be one too. i can't help you with the aliens who inhabit your redwoods. everyone has their own agenda up there. somehow, making boo koo bucks and driving an extra cab is a hippie thing. go figure. marilyn branson roll over. new age economics. not ergo nomics.
    and that's the difference. you still have too many dudes up there who can't see the forest for the trees. so they try to paint each one, one at a time. instead of realizing that it's always been the same forest.

  5. -Ernie how about you talk to some people and get some muralists to paint a local historical scene on that nice big white wall. Or some other wall you can access. You could choose whatever scene you wanted. Cowboys, indians, log cabins, redwoods, etc. That would be an awesome statement. Beautiful and educational. It would generate a lot of conversation. Ideally the government would pay for it, hey ;) But this is Garberville, where are all the volunteers? Let the children use it.

  6. Suzy
    The Rotary club has been planning a mural of the town's history in several places. (Yet to be determined)

    They will be covered with a "grafiti proof" clear coat. I haven't really warmed up to the idea yet. I've seen too many bad murals.

    Artists and builders don't mix that well. As a builder, everything that I do has to "work". Artist just have to cause controversy. (Which they dearly love to do. Then after it's too late you discover that you have been had.)

  7. That's great news Ernie. I'll contact the RC.

  8. I only check in about every two weeks now,to see if something new is going on!

  9. Ernie,think you'll get bloggin' again this winter,when things slow down?

  10. Ernie must have a big crop to harvest this year.

  11. My best guess is Ernie is writing a book and doesn't have time to blog.
    I am all excited because when his book in printed I know in my heart he is going to send me a signed copy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Free:))


  12. What would the book be about?

  13. I see that Mel Byrd died.

  14. A place here,to talk about things,like local history and such. But nobody seems to care anymore??

  15. Looks like I'm "top poster" this month...............

  16. Is Ernie going to come out from under his rock?

  17. I remember Ernie saying, """ This one of the most fun/rewarding things I've ever done"""

    Speaking of his blog,that is!!!

  18. Hi.
    I've been reading... I miss all of you. Been incredibly busy. I'm getting the itch to blot again. More later.

  19. Hey Ernie. Next time try laquer thinner on spay painted surfaces. Works good on smooth things like graffiti signs and cars.
