Monday, November 12, 2012

Veteran's Day

Today is the day that has been set aside to honor the men and women who protect our great country. Actually we all know that Veteran's Day officially happens on the 11th of November, but when it falls on a Sunday it is moved to the following Monday, which is today. Veteran's Day is one of our most solemn holidays. It's not really a celebration as much as it is an observance of the value of our soldiers, and a remembrance of their dedication.

I hardly ever vote for a tax increase, but I can honestly say that I have always voted for any measure on the ballot that would help our soldiers. I can only hope that some of the money that we have voted for them actually helps them. Sadly, I suspect that some of the money that was supposed to be set aside for them has disappeared through some political wrangling. Only the lowest of the low would do such a thing, but it does happen. We need to pay more attention.

I have a veteran friend that I have breakfast with every Friday, last Friday I insisted that it was my turn to buy, I know that it is not much, but it makes me feel just a little bit better to thank a Vet. If you know a Vet, be sure to thank them.

I've been very lax about blogging lately, but the Veteran's Day observance has sprung me loose from my dry spell. Many good stories have stacked up and I would like to put them out there. I would like to thank all of my gentle readers that have expressed their desire to read more... so brace yourselves. I feel a new wave of "Bullshistory" coming on.


  1. I look forward to reading them Ernie!

  2. Don't know what happened to the last comment. The word "forward" is missing after "look."

    Having trouble proving I'm not a robot! I hate it when they squish a bunch of bloated letters together and make you guess at them.

  3. Bullshistory is always good.

  4. The Ducks got plucked tonight.


  5. Thank you for remembering Veterans, Ernie. I pray all warriors who are away from home come home safely, and that their families are well and well-cared-for. One person joins the military but an entire family serves.

    And, no less important, than you for your service. There are many ways to serve and you found a brilliant one, to which you dedicated your life to, the volunteer fire fighters. Though you will not be lauded enough, you will be long-remembered for what you have given.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. You are a good man.

  6. Exactly what Roddy said!!Thumbs up!!!
