Friday, March 9, 2012

I've been on a cruise


Say {Shoo-nan-two-nich}

My wife Janis earned a Radio Shack incentive trip. It was a cruise from Fort Lauderdale to Belize and Cozumel Mexico. We are on our way back and I am now stuck in the San Francisco airport with a 1 1/2 hour layover. So... I need to kill some time. What better way than bloging?

I'm using a notebook that runs Windows 7. I'm using the touch screen keyboard which is a little weird for me.

It rained like crazy the last half of the cruise to Belize, and, the whole time that we were there. The locals were delighted because it cooled off. The rain didn't dampen our spirits, but our guide was disappointed that it ruined the view. We visited the Mayan ruins, Janis insisted that we climb to the top of the pyramid shaped temple. I tried to discourage her because she is not the most cat-footed person in the world, but what she lacks in grace she more than makes up in bravery. The steps on the temple are huge and they slope downward. Sneakers are slick as snot on the wet steps. I stayed under her the whole way to the top and back down, like I thought that I could catch her if she fell. I joked and told her that I thought that she was fairly safe, because the Gods only accepted virgin sacrifices.

Oops! time to go!
More later....


  1. Awesome. A post from Belize to Humboldt County. Amazing. It's a small world with the right jungle technology. I see the Pyramid Gods have helped with the spelling as well as the sacrifices.

    Have more fun for us, Ernie and Janis. Don't go native in the humid clime. Or commando.

  2. Welcome home, good thing Janis doesn't read your blog.

  3. The rain followed us everywhere, when we got home they told me the weather was beautiful while we were gone...

    Bunny you're right.

  4. Didja see any snakes?


  5. Am I missing something here??? Or is there not much new on Ernies Blog???
