I was reading on CNN about Aliaa Elmahdy, who posed in full frontal nudity to make a point. And, By golly, the point was.... She had a point... oh yeah, I think she hates Burkas. Well, so do I! So, right off we have something in common.
I have only shown decently cropped photos here, because no matter how immodest young Aliaa is, I am too embarrassed to place her nude photos on my blog. I am a bit ashamed of myself for not posting them, after all it was her idea to pose nude to call attention to her cause... whatever it was... Oh yeah Burkas. Now being a young man of the sixties, I've seen these kinds of things before. Helen Gurley Brown wrote a book called "Sex and the Single Woman". After her book came out, the women of America realized that men were holding them back, and holding them to standards of modesty and morality that were NOT of their choosing. They needed to make that point clear. The method that they used was to burn their bras in mass. It was fun to watch all the women taking their bras off and burning them. Much to the guys disappointment, women seem to be quite adept at taking their bras off under a sweatshirt, without even the slightest peek at any flesh. Drat. No fun at all, but our imaginations would still run wild. The thought of all these liberated women running amock was still very exciting. I kept watching my girlfriend at the time, wondering if she was going to take part in this great and fun new movement. Somehow men's minds must be highly transparent. She just gave me "that look", if you are a man, you know "the look". She said "You can just forget it". I can't begin to tell you the frustration of being a young man of the 60's and not being able to participate. So, I've always just been a cheerleder for all of these wonderfull causes.
From CNN
Egyptian blogger Aliaa Elmahdy: Why I posed naked
Share this on:Facebook Twitter Digg delicious reddit MySpace StumbleUpon LinkedIn November 19, 2011|By Mohamed Fadel Fahmy for CNN
A crop of the nude photo of Aliaa Magda Elmahdy posted on Twitter and on her blog.Egyptian blogger Aliaa Magda Elmahdy has become a household name in the Middle East and sparked a global uproar after a friend posted a photo of her naked on Twitter.
The photo, which the 20-year-old former student first posted on her blog, shows her naked apart from a pair of thigh-high stockings and some red patent leather shoes.
It was later posted on Twitter with the hashtag #nudephotorevolutionary. The tweet was viewed over a million times, while Elmahdy's followers jumped from a few hundred to more than 14,000.
Her actions have received global media coverage and provoked outrage in Egypt, a conservative Muslim country where most women wear the veil. Many liberals fear that Elmahdy's actions will hurt their prospects in the parliamentary election next week.
Elmahdy describes herself as an atheist. She has been living for the past five months with her boyfriend, blogger Kareem Amer, who, in 2006 was sentenced to four years in a maximum security prison for criticizing Islam and defaming former president Hosni Mubarak.
Here she talks exclusively to CNN in Cairo about why she posed nude.
CNN: Why did you post a photo of yourself nude photo on Twitter, and why the red high heels and black stockings?
Elmahdy: After my photo was removed from Facebook, a male friend of mine asked me if he may post it on Twitter. I accepted because I am not shy of being a woman in a society where women are nothing but sex objects harassed on a daily basis by men who know nothing about sex or the importance of a woman.
The photo is an expression of my being and I see the human body as the best artistic representation of that. I took the photo myself using a timer on my personal camera. The powerful colors black and red inspire me.
CNN: Who is Aliaa Elmahdy inside the body portrayed in the nude photo?
Elmahdy: I like being different. I love life, art, photography and expressing my thoughts through writing more than anything. That is why I studied media and hope to take it further to the TV world too so I can expose the truth behind the lies we endure everyday in this world. I don't believe that we must have children only through marriage. It's all about love.

In closing, I have to say that Elmahdy seems to be a very intelligent young lady, and has a sure method of getting attention. She will go far. I wouldn't be suprised if she has women out of their burkas in no time at all!
There is some pretty powerful stuf going on over at Kym's Blog right now. But, before you click the link you should know that the picture is photo-shopped and a complete fabrication, but otherwise the post is very thought proviking and a good indication of where the world is today.
Click on this blue line for the link
Thanks great blog post
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