Friday, October 14, 2011

Indian Summer

A little Indian lore from a complete White-Eye, albeit, I have a lot of Indian friends. Most of us live in peace together, so who says that a Whiteman can’t keep a treaty? The world is slowly becoming homogeneous. Sadly, what I miss the most, is the Indian history that has been lost and discarded. Most my relatives, that I knew, always spoke well of the Indian people, and our folks worked and played together and were friends. There are many Indian people in the Garberville area that have deep history right here in the local area. Most of them are not even thought of as Indians, but as friends, firefighters, business people, and so forth. Most of the people that don’t carry their own weight in Garberville are white.

On work parties for the fire department, we often get into respectful banter about standing in the rain or some other thing that our local Indians seem to like to point out that the white-eyes are sissies. I don’t know if they can take the cold better than me, or they are just more stubborn, but I do know that I will dive for cover before them. I know, that’s racist, but oh well. While I’m being racist, I sunburn easier than they do. Some differences are obvious and some less so, but they will be the first to point out differences. Does that mean that they shouldn’t be given the same opportunities as me? Not hardly.

We are in the midst of “Indian Summer”. Around here that is the little bit of real good weather after the first big rain of the fall. Most places it’s defined as the warm dry weather after the first killing frost. Back east, where the term started, it was the period of warm weather that melted the first snow fall. The eastern Indians would use that period to raid the white settlements, because they couldn’t be tracked on the wet ground, and they wouldn’t leave tracks in the snow. Whether or not the raids were justified is a point for another time and place. I’m just here to say that it was named “Indian Summer” because that was the time of the year that the whites had to keep a close eye out for Indians.

Here is another story that was also from the eastern U.S. Indians. It has to do with “Indian giver” meaning something given then taken back. Supposedly, an Indian person would give a miscreant a present to change their mean or evil ways. If the person didn’t change their ways, It was considered to be a dishonor to the Indian that gave the person the gift, so it was taken back. Indian summer is a gift that is taken back when winter sets back in, so the warm weather is a gift that is taken back. Thus: “Indian Summer”.

Another story about “Indian Giving” is that there was a large language barrier between the Whiteman and the Indian. Trade between the Whiteman and the Indian often became confusing. The Whiteman would try to trade beads or some other object of value to an Indian. They would sign back and forth until they reached an agreed price. Often the Indian person would give something to a White. Indians often gave gifts, so they just took what was offered without thinking much about it, but the Indian person was really placing something of value in the Whiteman’s hands, like a bag of Salmon jerky, as a question of “what can I get for this?” When nothing was offered in return the Indian person would take it back. I can’t say that I blame them, there is an old premise that “there is no such thing as a free lunch”. But, that became known as “Indian giving”.
With due respect to my Indian friends.... But, if you have any salmon jerky to trade, I'm well know as a fair and honest trader. I will trade beer or money. Charley Two Crows and I are looking for some canned pickled surf fish. Anybody else have any orders?


  1. I could go for some deer jerkey.

  2. The Local Indians cut the deer into strips hung it on willow sticks and smoked it to keep the flies away, then they dried it in the sun. They stored it in baskets. We make deer jerky about the same today, but we put salt and pepper on ours.

  3. I got pickled green beans,flat leaf cactus,mesquite honey beans and salsa. Going out to find wild honey soon. And later pinion nuts.
    Can you cure cove muscles with limes?

  4. In about the third grade@ Garberville Elementry school we were studying Native Indians. The teacher had us grind up/mash Acorns and boil the piss out of them,to get rid of the bitter taste.They still tasted like "sheet".

  5. Ross, You have to eat Acorns for the tannins to kill parasites. Also eat the white skin on inside of Tan Oak bark.

  6. "I know, that’s racist, but oh well."

    You have such an indifferent attitude towards your own racism these days Ernie. At least you are now admitting your own white supremacist inclinations instead of outright denial.

    Let me tell you something else Ernie Branscomb. You know nothing of the Native peoples. You know nothing about the history of the Native peoples. You're like a parrot, passing down the bullshit stories your father passed down to you. You're just as in to fairy tales as a little girl visiting Disneyland. The only problem is your fairy tales involve spreading racist lies about the Native peoples and their history and land.

    Its time to put aside those old stories Ernie. Its time for you to hold your head high for once in your life, not at the expense of the Native peoples but at the expense of the lies of your white father.

  7. Ernie, Anon's attack on so called lies by your passed father is over the line in my book! Anon must be ashamed of their name to hide it! My be Anon isn't white! I'm glad and proud of my family name! Ernie I'm sure your proud of your family and Your Fathers Name!
    It must be Horrible to use Anon! And not have a family, a father, or a NAME!
    Anon! You stepped over the line! I feel sorry for you!
    Yet again, You don't care!

  8. I bet anon is a mistake of nature.


  9. Thanks Charlie.
    Anon doesn't know me, or he wouldn't have that opinion of me. I firmly believe that everybody should have an equal chance.

    I see my own race squandering the opportunities that they have been given, sometimes unfairly, I also see the Indian people making great strides in their education and in their everyday lives. Everybody should read the Two Rivers Tribune to get an idea of a group of people moving in a positive direction.

    I can’t help that I was raised around Indian children. The Indian people that I knew all had jobs, and they were productive proud people. If the chips are ever down, you will see who I am. So far my Indian friends are doing alright all by themselves.

    The Indian friends that I have are proud to be called an Indian. they make the name stand above. In fact I've been chewed out by them for calling them anything but "Indian". To quote one Indian lady that my cousin asked while writing a book about history, she said: "I was born and raised an Indian I've always been an Indian, I'm proud of who I am... Call me an Indian in your book"... She did.

    I like to leave comments like anon makes up there just so people know what's out there. I have no idea where anon is coming from, but proud honest people usually sign their names.

  10. Ernie isn't worried about hurting others with his racist slurs. In fact he enjoys it.

  11. Am I politically correct? Hell no. do I care? Hell no. Are my friends politically correct? Hell no.

    Am I a racist, or intentionaly mean to any racial group, any more than my peer group? Hell no.

    Anon and Ann, you are way out of line, and trying to creat problems where none exist. Why are you being so damn mean?

  12. I shouldn't say it but can't help myself. anon and anne sound like 99 percenters to me.


  13. Exactly. You're fine, Ernie, and always have been.

    Naysayers preferring to rely upon vexing namecalling or emotional innuendo often have little to contribute by way of reason or thought.

    "Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and it annoys the pig."

    C2C, I like your menu. Ernie, buy some of those green bananas, you'll be fine.

  14. oh oh,,, this time Suzy has to agree with anonymous and Anne on this one. This post is filled with racism from the top's title and picture, threw out the denial within it, to his last comment about Anonymous and Anne being mean =LOL!!! Tthe racist calling the one who objects to it mean? _ LmaO! ... as for Skipppy He complains about namecallers and then calls them pigs -huh? whatever - it should be totally obvious to any one that that skippys is an idiot. He says something stupid everytime... LOL@

    peace and happy harvesting to all who cnotributed tothe discussion.\


  15. Dear Suzy Blah Blah, I have always enjoyed your posts, almost fell in love with you. I think I will still like your posts if they are still like the beginnings when you said "I hear thunder but no,
    it is Billy". I hope I said that right. You were so much fun to read but understand I am old school logger, rancher, cowboy.
    I still shoot, skin and eat wild animals. It's the cowboy way. I don't tend much to the new HTM (Hum. Trin. Mendo )ways and that is mostly why I moved from there.
    One thing I can say is the 99% group or the ones that think that someone owes them a living will be hurting when the power grid goes off.

  16. Holy Shit,,,,, I signed and posted and my Oregon name did not show.
    It was a post to my second love, Susy Blah blah. It was at 5:54 PM


  17. Too much Whiskey,Oregon?

  18. Oregon, everyone changes and Suzy has matured. "Billy" is Suzy's ex. She no doubt was referring to his loud truck that she heard in the distance and mistook for "thunder".

  19. Ross Shurburn, never too much whiskey for me. It is just I liked reading Suzy's posts when she was with ol' Thunder mouth. Suzy was fun and entertaining to say the least.
    By the way, Oregon's real name is Jim Newland in case anybody has lost track of me. I only say this because of that short sided anon ( SOB ) that post's on here.


  20. Been Gone. There is no such thing as too much whiskey.

    I have to laugh at the people calling me racist. I have a lot of good stories that I could tell you that would prove you so wrong, but I don't tell stories on my friends.

    Unless you are worth more than a billion dollars, you are one of the 99% that they talk about.

    We think alike in that I think that the people that signed up for the student loans should have to pay back every penny. I don't believe anybody should get a free ride on somebody else's shoulders. I know that you gave your life and health to earning your own living, so you have the right to say anything that you like about the group of people that joined the "occupy" movement to get a free ride. There are fewer and fewer young people that actually want to earn a living the hard way. But, at the core of what is happening on Wall Street is the people that just want better jobs. You can understand a position like that.

  21. I bet anon is a mistake of nature.

    although oregon thinks he is a one percenter. i'd have to see his w2. if he didn't make a million plus last year, i'm sure he didn't qualify. so he's a 99er like the rest of us. or 49er, you can pick any number you like, as long as it isn't the one that suzy keeps talkin about. you know she hates the one.

    but oregon is right about this dude. in the book, the grasshopper song, big steve, a pure blood says, indian got god, white man got god, breed no got god, no good. indian get hurt by somebody, get paid $100, everything ok. breed get hurt by somebody, get paid $100, still will bitch about it real long time.
    i thought ernie said some real nice things about the indians. but i think this is more about who is reading rather than who is writing. they are projecting their own racism and prejudices and judgement on these events that mostly happened over a hundred years ago. its the job of any human being to forgive and move on. to live in the present and let go of the past.
    i asked my cousin what tribe were the indians that lived near spyrock. she answered, diggers. now, she married her high school sweetheart back in 1962 whose father was a mexican indian. she doesn't see color or race, she's what i call a true christian. but she didn't go to college. she worked in an office to put her mexican husband through fresno state. my aunt ruth, who is 100 years old, told me please not to tell anyone that we are indian. but she did say that we got along with the indians better than most. i think that's all ernie is saying here. when somebody is trying to kill you, it takes time to see them as a friend. it seems to be a lot easier for the simmerelys and branscombs than it was for some people. but we get blamed for what some people did, nevertheless.

  22. Ern, I ain't one of the 99%'s. I get folks want a better job but they have to earn it.
    Wish I hadn't drank so much whiskey tonight so I could express myself in the manner of which you are accustomed to. I never went without a job, made as much money as the 4 year degreer's during my time in the past, 70's and 80's. Today I am retired and still get asked to consult, work and I say no. I am broke, burned out but taken care of by my son. That might sound like a cop-out but I could still support myself if needed. Lots of job offers out there for me and no college edugation.
    I just want to say I ain't no 99%'. I hate big government and wellfare AND Socialist's.
    Now since I am on a roll I want to say, Spyrock, I like reading some of your post's but for the most part I peg you as city slicker, progressive and you don't have an ounce of Spy Rock, Covelo in you.
    Ernie is so nice and good to all that post's here but, as Ross pointed out, I had too much whiskey so I am not going to be politically correct. I speak only for myself here, Spy, you are full of shit

  23. Anon 12:50 was Oregon, AKA as Jim Newland.
    Dang Ross, guess I had too much whiskey. Give me two days Ross and I will out shoot you on the range. NOW that is whiskey talk:-)

  24. understand I am old school logger, rancher, cowboy.
    I still shoot, skin and eat wild animals. It's the cowboy way. I don't tend much to the new HTM (Hum. Trin. Mendo )ways and that is mostly why I moved from there.
    now, that's a one percenter i understand.

    One thing I can say is the 99% group or the ones that think that someone owes them a living will be hurting when the power grid goes off.

    just be pure. no electricity, no fox news. no annie coulter. you can't have it both ways.

  25. Now since I am on a roll I want to say, Spyrock, I like reading some of your post's but for the most part I peg you as city slicker, progressive and you don't have an ounce of Spy Rock, Covelo in you.

    i can understand why you are saying that. that's why i don't drink whiskey anymore. it brings the covelo/spyrock out in me.
    i peg you as a real individualist. a real person. somone whom i would call a real man.
    i don't meet many of them any more. in fact, you might be one of those endangered species the envionmentalists are always trying to protect. and i know i am butting heads with you in a way. so i have to apoligize for getting you riled up.
    i have plenty of relatives with the same political views as you. they are always the first ones to start talkin politics.
    i get all my politics from my mother who was born in covelo and raised in spyrock. she whupped my ass so many times when i was little that i've never been afraid of anyone else but somehow i do share her politics. my relatives never said a word to her, but like you they do to me. so you are just acting like one of the family.
    and family's how i see you.

  26. Ernie is so nice and good to all that post's here but, as Ross pointed out, I had too much whiskey so I am not going to be politically correct. I speak only for myself here, Spy, you are full of shit

    i agree, ernie is a really nice and good human being. i really admire him and he has helped me progress as far as being a nice and good human being. in a way, i am in awe of ernie.

    as far as being full of shit, you are right about that. i really feel honored to be allowed to post on the blog of a place that i've rarely ever spent time in. in fact, the longest moment i can think of is when that rattlesnake was a rattlin at me when i was 4 years old back in 51 a few yards up the hill from shell rock creek. so you pegged me right dude, i am so full of shit.

  27. Spy, you sound apologetic and I have respect for that. We come from different backgrounds so I do understand our differences. I just don't care about the progressive attitude you seem to adhere to. However you and Ernie seem to have the same attitude towards politics. Ernie is my closest smart relative that I have. But I think he is getting mushy between the ears. Maybe he will say something here as he never responds to my e-mails,,,,, or Ross'
    That was a dig Ernie and with a smile:-)

  28. The tax man says I'm a 57%er!
    He says only 57% of Americans pay federal income tax.
    The IRS sent a letter that said stop calling myself a prospector on tax forms. They said I'm a gold producer!
    I'm proud to mentor my son into a job. At a time when young people can only find fast food work at best. No one teaches how to use their hands anymore! As a child I was taught that my name was only borrowed from my father until he passed! Then it became mine! I'm proud of my German-Indian history! SpY is right! The Buffalo are coming back and the white man will always fail! To all the percent's; Money Not Earned Is Easily Spent!
    Charlie two crows!
    Peace* from the Indian Summer Desert!

  29. Oregon... Sometime let's talk about mules and withered goats! I can't take horse or mule into BLM ACEC! Dam BLM!
    But the 1872 mining says I can prospect!
    PS my oldest son takes care of me to! Sometimes the Kemo is hard to do! Thanks

  30. in my real life, i hardly ever talk politics. but i do want everyone to know that i love c2c and jim newland. that's about as mushy as i get.

  31. Spyrock doesn't love his shirt-tailed cousins,such as me???

  32. C2C, I have lots of dis-respect for government regulations and the no horse rule gets my goat as much as the welfare policies do.
    Ask Ernie for my e-mail address and I will correspond with you at length. That is if he has it.
    I wish and hope you find the Mother lode as I am a strong believer in gold but only the gold I gather myself. I will never buy it.
    Be safe,


  33. P.S. C2C, I prefer placer gold over the hard rock mining cuz I am too old and frail for the manual work. Maybe that can be a reason to get hitched again. I am funnin' you there Charlie.


  34. Oregon, No more hitch! Charlie Sheen says never pay for sex! You pay for them to go home. The left handed gals will hate that! Like I care!
    Most of the work I do is settin in a camp chair and swingin a sledge hammer with a short handle. We do placer(lake effect gold) and lode. We found a quartz vein out crop. The vein is a foot thick. Just in side ACEC buffer zone. All work by hand!
    With pack goats and moccasins they will never track me! Mountain Goat tracks every where. Their's a seep near by.
    PS. Burro jerky is better!
    Did he say baby burro!
    Your dam straight I did!!!

  35. Oregon and Spy

    Sure, I've got your email address, but my computer has crashed so many times that I have lost most everything. The computer geeks that work at the store tell me that recipe sites are the worse places to pick up viruses. I killed my computer one time looking up "Hog Souse", another time I was looking up how to solve a rubic cube problem.

    My email address is up in the left hand corner of my blog site. I just typed it out rather than making it a link. Spammers have search engines to find email address links.

    Both Spy and Newly should sent me an email and I will put you together.

  36. I'm pretty sure I still have Two Crow's email. Just in case you were wondering if I was off subject.

  37. The term "indian giver" refers to someone who gives gifts only to demand them back later, and it is largely considered an indictment of the character of Native Americans. Indian summer has the same connotation. It's racist. As are all the "indian" phrases; Indian giver, Indian burn, Indian summer,etc. All are used to declare something false. A term like "indian giver" is racially loaded by inferring that it was the indian that was the liar or deciever. The term is considered today to be racist term and should be avoided. Even if Ernie wants to argue about whether it is or isn't technically racist and dispute it's origin, it was used, and continues to be used to belittle the indians and it is considered to be culturally insensitive, Ernie, and it is best to set it aside, Ernie. But then being sensitive may be beyond Ernie's realm. Or maybe he's just too stupid to get it. Like Suzy said, racism is ingrained in Ernie's whole demeanor. He was for keeping the name Squaw Rock. Etc etc.

    Anyone that can't see that the picture he used to illustrate his post, the photo of an indian being forced to pose for the white man's amusement, is belittling to the indians --has got their head up their ass. Yet, I suppose one has to take into consideration Ernie's upbringing. It's "understandable" for someone brought up on 1950s western tv shows to be parroting their bias'. To still be parroting thier bias is another question. Anonymous had a point when he said Ernie was living in a Disney fairytale land. Ernie even said something to the effect that Mickey Mouse was his childhood hero at one point.Being brought up on TV westerns, and Disney, who made everything nice, everything cute, like Ernie's hero, Mickey Mouse, a foolish creature who taught children nothing, who expressed nothing "real". Who didn't even do anything creative ... I could go on and on about how Disney's "genius" and "creativity" disgusts me, but I don't have the time. For now, here's a video clip as an example of the inane racism that the children of Ernie's generation were raised on.
    what made the red man red. In other words, what changed him from being the "normal" white color.

  38. Anne, it seems funny to me that you and Ernie even bring up racism. I have friends and relatives that are Indian and have had girlfriends that were, maybe still are, Indian, Black and several Caucasians but never Asian but I'm not dead yet so if I ever meet a single Asian girl the game is still on. Maybe for sure a Hippy girl would fit right in:-)
    I only see folks for what I get from them. Now take your US president for example, I would not walk across the road to piss on him if he was on fire but it has nothing to do with color. I like Mr. Cain so I will leave it at that.
    I, like Ernie, grew up with Mexicans and Indians and all I saw was friends, that is if I liked them. All were and still are, all the same to me, along with the so called White Folks.
    Where I draw the line is liberal, feel sorry for themselves "Adam Henrie's". The Adam Henry is phonetic for Ass Hole as per Humboldt SO which I was a proud member of many years ago.
    So don't pick on Ernie, he is just sayin' the way it is and if folks have a problem with that then they are the problem.


  39. Where is that whiskey bottle?


  40. Anne, Mickey Mouse was created during the Depression for people like you. The cartoons were political satire against the landlords and the police. You know the type,on the Graft, abused, sniveling down trod en left handers!
    And you have issues with SQUAW! The real word used is HIDE! Everything on the pack mule was for sale including her!
    Your a FOOL! Go get a library card and stay of the internet!
    And learn some history! Yeah there are books written by Real indians! D. Banks just wrote a new book!
    You need a mentor! Stop trying to be in the salvation business! The indians don't like it!

  41. Charlie, please clean the dog jerky out of your teeth before you attempt to talk to me next time.


    Oregon, your astute reply about your girlfriends is a standard racist cliche, "but some of my best friends are ..." Don't get me going on sexism.

    he is just sayin' the way it is

    Try rereading my post, because that's my point. He's saying it the way he thinks it is because for him, the "way" is racism, spiced with cliches like the one you used.

    Did you understand the point I make with the video? Probably not.

    Anyway, I still like you, and I'm tired of feudin'. Here's a couple of videos from your era that I'd like to share with you about cowboys and women that I like. That I'd bet we both like. Seriously.

    no pain

    Have a good one dude, enjoy your repast.

  42. Spyrock doesn't love his shirt-tailed cousins,such as me???

    sorry about leaving you out of the equation. we love you too. that's from dove and i.

  43. i don't think oregon wants my email. just charlies.
    hey, i should have known that if i poked a stick in a beehive, some pissed off bees would come out. must be the cityslicker in me.

  44. Hey,HIDE...That comment to me was culturally insensitive!
    But what do I know!
    I'm just a crazy Indian!

  45. Anne, you just can't help but like Oregon, like spyrock said, he's real. Oh Suzy wishes i had more time and could link a nice song for him like you did but alll I got is my oown cover of los lobos cover of ricky valens"

    well well well well now honey
    we gonna boogie all night
    well well well now peggy suzy
    everythigngs gonna be alright
    from midnight til dawn
    we'l l take our flight
    belive me im a good pilot
    ive had china dolls and indian maidens stewardesses
    black chicitas and mexican hos an eskimo mooses
    and a skinny viet nameese
    when i was serving
    overseas ....

    bomp bomp boampa boom bam bammbam

    but tonight i'm rocking my
    little hippy chicky ...
    the one with the big joint in between her lips
    uh uh ooh ooh uh uh uh
    shes sooooo wild with those hips
    like a turkey in the straw
    hippy in the hay
    all night long ...

    -ooh my head!

  46. Hey Suzy, that's good, just fix it up a little and i'll record it with Jr. and Tray. Then we need to try and get Ernie to learn the lip-syncing for the video.

  47. Anne you called the vlideos oregons era. but what year were YOu born?..
    i dont think your alll that much out of his age range ;-)

  48. Never mind angel, just remember, I'm your dad's youngest sister.
    btw, how much did you get done today?

  49. My family came to Mendocino county as Indian fighters. Now im related to many many local Indians.

    Great post Ernie, I enjoy reading.

  50. Spyrock, I'm out of whiskey now so want to tell you I am sorry for calling you a cityslicker. That was and is beneath even me. So I take it back and I don't care if you even call an indiangiver.


  51. I'm here, but I'm thinking... Stay tuned.

  52. okay i'll try itt one more time. maybe hes not moderating. (before you delete this one ernie know atht the message i get when you do theat is that you think i'm insignificant)/... Anne, if you don't get to see this ot read my email I'll phone you when i get within cell pphone reange ... but i'm posting this here for others to-

    see too; This is my las t post ot this blog. Not because, as ernie used to say, Suzy's the smartest one here, not cuz there arnt some other cool intelligent peeps here too, not cuz i still couldnt learn somehting here, or maybe even teach something... but becuz ernie's been deleting my last few posts. I gave my opinion of hte indians and now it's gone. I tryed it again and he deleted it again. Why? cuz i told the truth?! He'll likey delete theis one too. Idont like being censored and I don't liek ruels but hteres one rule i keeep, if anyone Zaps one of Suzy's posts --I never come back to that blog again. Simple as that. I'm not gonna waste my time posting to the internet only to have some thick headed lout erase it. Better that he say he's irritated by them, or to say he's too busy to think them thruogh, or anything. But my time is too precious. bye bye spy, oregon, olmanriver, robin, and my other fans. You can read me on other blogs who are more accepting and tolerant.

  53. okay i'll try itt one more time. maybe hes not moderating right now. (before you delete this one ernie know atht the message i get when you do theat is that you think i'm insignificant)/... Anne, if you don't get to see this ot read my email I'll phone you when i get within cell pphone reange ... but i'm posting this here for others to-

    see too; This is my las t post ot this blog. Not because, as ernie used to say, Suzy's the smartest one here, not cuz there arnt some other cool intelligent peeps here too, not cuz i still couldnt learn somehting here, or maybe even teach something... but becuz ernie's been deleting my last few posts. I gave my opinion of hte indians and now it's gone. I tryed it again and he deleted it again. Why? cuz i told the truth?! He'll likey delete theis one too. Idont like being censored and I don't liek ruels but hteres one rule i keeep, if anyone Zaps one of Suzy's posts --I never come back to that blog again. Simple as that. I'm not gonna waste my time posting to the internet only to have some thick headed lout erase it. Better that he say he's irritated by them, or to say he's too busy to think them thruogh, or
    anything. But my time is too precious. bye bye spy, oregon, olmanriver, robin, and my other fans. You can read me on other blogs who are more accepting and tolerant.

  54. thanks for the apology. most people go by appearance and most people would assume that i'm just like you. this is something i deal with almost everyday at work. just because i'm white, they think i'm rich. i live and work in the small town i grew up in. uncle delbert got the ranch so his girls grew up milking cows every day. they sort of looked at me like i was a city slicker back in those days because i lived in town. when i went to the city to go to school they thought i was a country boy. they used to laugh at my tan clodhoppers i wore working in the peach orchards. my dad had me digging ditches and doing plumbing work when i was about 8 years old. my grandpa don took a razor strap to me about that time because i couldn't start his lawnmower. so i've been working for over 50 years mostly physical work.
    i have the education to sit behind a desk and i did some of that too. but i'm still outproducing 20 year olds where i work driving fork lifts. they can't stand to see me doing my inventory job so they make me do 2 jobs sometimes. but everything is high tech these days, i just laugh at them inside. they don't know what hard work is. so i'm a lot like you. i appreciate people who work hard for a living and i tolerate and feel bad about people who live off the government. my partner's son just got a job driving truck up your way after living with his mom for the last four years. he gained about 100 lbs just laying around. so i know how hard it is to keep my mouth shut sometimes. i had to stop drinking whiskey because thats a whole different dimension for me. the people i was in other lives come through. maybe we knew each other then.

  55. johnny depp was saying that he is going to play tonto in a new long ranger movie next year. also, he made a film with marlin brando called brave that he never released which he might in the future. i'm still waiting to see someone tell the true story of the american indian. until then we have to wade through the bullshistry because that's all that's been passed down. i wonder what the spanish priests were so worried about that they had to burn the indiginous history.

  56. A case of current Indian Giver! After the civil war the government let slaves owned by the Cherokee's would be included into the nation! Now after all this time the Cherokee Nation has decided the Black Cherokee's (Freeman) are being banded from current and future Roll membership in the Cherokee Nation! The Cherokee giveth and now taketh away! Indian Giver!
    The courts have stopped the practice so far! It will make its way to the Supreme Court!

  57. Ernie I am sorry to see that some have misconstrued your statements and even tried to paint you into a corner from which it's easier to attack you. When did it become a problem for a white man to feel pride in his racial heritage? When did it become impossible to speak of the contributions of the white race (How dare you compare it to the lackluster contributions of browner shades)without being mercilessly attacked by savages? Ernie, I stand with you, tall, defiant, and proud to be a white American!

  58. Anon
    Thank you for your support, but I am afraid that you have mischaracterized me. I am proud to be an American, but not because I’m white. It must be hard to describe how I feel. I know that we are all different, but I like those differences. The fact that I’m white is nothing to be proud of. I am proud of my heritage, and I would like to think that I have an open mind.

  59. i get tired of people playing the race card. i grew up in a town back in the 50s that was multi-cultural, multi-racial. i didn't know what discrimination was until dr martin luther king was killed and some black kids started yelling at me and chasing me as i rode away on my bicycle near the ballpark. the air force used to send black airmen to our town because there was no discrimination. where i worked, there was a discrimination suit and women were allowed to be year long employers. if you were any kind of minority you got 2 for 1 benefits. my mom told me that i was white. so i didn't get anything. but every other white okie down there was part indian. i don't think you people up there live in the real world. where i work is 98% mexican national. i am constantly discriminated against on a daily basis. sometimes i think about retiring early. it is way more blatant than when there were more white people working there. that was mostly kinority, not much to do with race. in almost every university of california, the asians have the most students percentage wise. it's a whole new world out there but because you guys are isolated, you just plain don't know what's going on.
    the plain fact is that everyone is racist. blacks, whites, mexican, indians, asians. if you are part of a bi-racial family you probably get racisim from 2 or more different directions. the white working man is no longer wanted by greedy corporate america. the chinese and others have replaced us. wake up foos.
    live in the present, please.
    wake up. and i don't care what reason you have, it's not nice to say bad things about anybody, until you walk a mile in their moccasins.
