Friday, October 7, 2011

Class Warfare? Gimme a break!

A fearful friend of mine is afraid that I drank Stephan Lerner’s cool-aid. Nothing could be further from the truth. For the less politically inspired, Lerner advoctes chaos and a “crisis for the rich”. He openly advocates people moving into empty houses, hi-jacking trucks, moving into Morgan Stanley’s lobby, and so forth. No sane man would follow his plan.

What I see going on in the demonstrations of America, is that people are feeling disenfranchised. They need good jobs, and they need a fair balance of trade against predatory trading countries Like China. China is not the only country that has predatory trading practice, but China is by far the major predator.

What I advocate is public gatherings where people can agree with their COMMON goals and bring about fairness in the work place. Those people that scream about the unfairness of “Class Warfare”, because they think that we are going after the super rich, are wrong. Most of us don’t give a damn about how wealthy that they are, we just want good jobs and maybe a little mad-money in our pockets. The rich can keep theirs for all we care. But, while we are on the subject of Class Warfare, why do the super rich think that it is alright to declare war against the American Worker? How many times have you heard that they had to take jobs off-shore because American workers “ARE GREEDY”? How many times have you heard the unions be criticized because they were too powerful and demanded too much?

Not too many years ago, there was a balance between the American worker and the Business people. Everybody had a good job and the wealthy were still wealthy. Somewhere along the line the wealthy figured out that all they had to do is buy the media and the politicians. They could eliminate workers rights by moving jobs to a communist country or a dictatorship. The thing that bothers me, is when it became apparent that our jobs were leaving our shores and we whimpered a little bit. The wealthy couldn’t help but gloat and rub it in. How many times have the American workers had it rubbed in their faces that “WE live in a World Economy now, get used to it!” and “The American worker is far too greedy, we needed to take our jobs off-shore” Or, how about this one, after people with limited ability, but had a great factory job for years, were told “get a good education and make something of your self” and maybe we will give you’re a job shuffling and counting our money. How utterly insulting to good honest hard working people!

My whole family had GOOD jobs in the timber and lumber industry. They watched thier jobs crumble around them. Now, most of them are out of work. Some are still working sending logs to China. But, that won’t last forever. I wonder how much longer it will be before China sends their own workers over here. Most of my family have very conservative values, are very hard working, smarter than the averages bears, and not very likely to identify with the bewhiskered dude with the blood stains in the corner of his mouth, and the google-eyed green glasses. Yes, it’s ridiculously humorous, but hardly representative of the people that want good jobs.

But, remember who owns the media! You are not likely to see much real objectivity, nor much desire to find the REAL roots of the populace movement. The movement that I’m talking about includes the Tea Party, the Democrat party, the Conservatives, the Liberals, and yes, the “Occupy Party” if you will. Right now, America looks a little Chaotic, but I doubt that we will gather around anyone that doesn’t understand our common goal. That would be, a Good job, and just a small amount of prosperity for the common man. The rich will stay rich. Unlike a few of my other friends, I don’t expect that the Dow-Jones average to dip below 8,000. But, the one thing I know is, the fat-cats will cash in on whatever happens. They are the last people on Earth that you should be concerned about.


  1. Expect the attacks against these protestors to continue and even become more stident as they go on.
    I give a few examples on my latest post.

    The people are sending out mixed messages...but that's because they aren't being organized by any one group. Unions and others are getting aboard, but what started out with less than a dozen people on Wall Street is a true grass roots movement that is picking up steam every day.

  2. Dave
    I look forward to reading your weekly post. We, in Southern Humboldt, will have to go to your blog to read it. ( Dave Stancliff )We don't get the Times Standard in Southern Humboldt.

  3. My blog has always been about the common man, and communicating on an understandable level.

    No mater what subject that we talk about here, I have always tried to keep the message basic enough that it was understandable to even to most undereducated. I'm am lucky enough to have known many very, very wise people that had less than a high school diploma.

    With about 310 million differnt opinions of what is going on now, the best that I can condense the whole thing is:

    Give us a good job, so we can support our families, with enough money left over to go to a ball game and buy a hot dog and a beer. Then we will gladly stay off Wall Street.

  4. That's it! In one sentence. Or two.

  5. Well, it should have one sentence, but I got carried away with the punctuation.

  6. I use a little "differnt" Spelling also...

  7. Rose will tell you to get an education Ernie

    Doesn't make much sense for us older folks

  8. (((( 8000 )))) Want to bet?
    You win! I buy lunch!
    I win! You put the banner back up down town!

    Next Ernie and his newspaper friend need to study Daniel Ellsburg and the Pentagon Paper! And know that he alone stopped the vietnam war! Not the protesters!
    Your a Historian! Do some diggin instead of watchin CNN!

    Last friday a US citizen was killed by a Drone strike!
    We could argue for years if he needed a trial!
    Sure, he crossed over to the dark side of terror! My concern is with the secret group of men. That had a secret meeting and gave the word to take this guy out. And then told the president after it was over!
    Class Warfare, coming to a US city near you. Just look up!
    How long before DEA,Cia, ETC!
    Use the method here?
    The Wood Owl knows all! See's all! Controls all!
    Ps you know the banner I mean!

  9. C2C, I heard about the drone strikes on US citizens myself, sounds like Obama has his own Star Chamber.
    It's the Chicago way. Think what Al Capone could have done if he had drones.


  10. Charlie
    Do you mean the banner "Help clean up Garberville, give a hippy a ride". Everybody thinks that was an urban legend, but I saw it on the north end of town at the freeway on ramp. If anybody else saw just say "Me Too" so people will know it's true.

    Charlie is out in the desert looking for gold, while all the people with stocks are cashing out, buying gold, and trying to find a place in the desert to hide it.

  11. I keep telling you Ernie, bullets will be worth more than gold. And the plus is that while bullets are still available they are cheaper per ounce that gold. I say while they are still available because Hilary is trying to get a global gun band going with the UN. Just have to love those progressives.


  12. An education? This column makes perfect sense to me, Anonymous @1:42… and I’m old.

    Many remember when one worked for the company, gave it your all, and were rewarded for long loyalty and labor with retirement. It’s not like that anymore. The rules have changed, there’s no stability nor guarantees. Good jobs are becoming more scarce. Or, as one person said, “Who says there aren’t jobs? I have three of them.”

    We were told shipping jobs overseas was necessary, workers would adjust, and profits and prosperity would ‘trickle down.’ Now we’ve lost our manufacturing base, the next tier of jobs (and profits) have moved overseas, and workers left unemployed in manufacturing and factory jobs have failed to be the software engineers, health professionals, and private entrepreneurs they were supposed to become. Prosperity did not trickle down. Anyone working in the last 30 years knows this difference.

    One bright note however. One Georgia town, named Americus, has revitalized itself. They had lost their lumber industry and mill. With unemployment hovering at 13%, workers were desperate. Now Americus is up and running again-- and grateful to be back to work. 400 individuals applied for the 80 newly created jobs. The old factory and machinery has been fired up again! How were they able to accomplish this?

    By making chopsticks for China. 10 million chopsticks per week, due to China’s wood shortage. And the new machinery from South Korea will increase production to 10 million chopsticks per day.

  13. .....ME Tooooo..............
    Skippy, Garberville could reinvent It's self!!
    Tan Oak is the secret.
    The bark Hogged is the best pest deterrent when spread around the house. They hate the tannins!
    Ernie could have a sausage co. With oak smoked meats.
    Kinsey could teach us how to make world class furniture.
    Tan Oak chips for the Grill!
    Pellets for the stove!
    And hog fuel turned into Bio-mass fuel!
    The list goes on for ever!
    And it all could be sold on the web!
    Ernie! Want jobs? Get your buddies at the glee club to get crack in!
    I'm 60 and fat! If I can bust rock! Garberville can change!
    The fed reserve says the cash flow out of so hum and men do is ten time more than any area in us. I guess all that weed money has a different home!!!
    Hidein in the Desert*

  14. Charlie Two Crows, I looked into tan oak when you brought it up last, as used as fuel. Yes, it has potential!

    Why do they make millions of chopsticks out of American poplar wood per week? Millions of hungry customers in Asia who've already used up their own wood. Maybe they'll be using up our wood now. It's happening with the raw logs here and elsewhere, as you might've read. Perhaps as the jobs go, our natural resources eventually follow?

    But, C2C, to bring you the news to the desert... the Feds will be cracking down on the large marijuana outfits (1,000 plants, or more than 440 pounds annually)
    here in California, as announced yesterday. We'll see where the money flows; that is, if anyone really knows where it flies off to besides coffee cans buried in the yard and vacations to Bali.

    In the meanwhile, stay safe, warm, and dry, and don't bust up too much rock happily along the way. Find more gold-- and have more fun-- for the rest of us.

    -- s/ all your friends in Humboldt.

  15.'s simple example. In Ukiah at the walmart and lumber stores.
    One pound bags of hard wood chips cost $8.00
    That's $16,000@ton.
    You can't sell fire wood for that price!
    I'm not talking about cutin all the Tan Oak down. Sustained yeald by small land owners.
    Hell in 95 a Evergreen cruzer told me they had 8 million board feet of tan oak on there property alone!
    Some one is missing the mark!
    Weed will never be packaged in a bag with a folded label and stapled and says SOHUM GRILL CHIPS and sell for $16,000@ ton!
    Waiting in the Desert*

  16. I think Charlie Two Crows needs to look beyond what one man did (Daniel Ellsberg)and to look at the whole picture.
    If he doesn't think years of protests (started by the young adults of America but later co-opted by Americans of all ages as parents watched their children die for no good reason)wasn't a major factor in ending the war then he wasn't paying attention.
    The draft also played a part in bringing the war to an end.
    To simplify such an epic period of protest and say one person brought an end to the Vietnam War is a narrow minded claim that ignors history in it's entirety.
    It might be time for someone to read more books before writing other people off so easily.

  17. Mr. Dave, with all do respect!
    I don't believe I wrote you off! I said dig deeper please!
    In 69 my lotto number was three. You know that books won't teach the Real story like spooks do in country!
    You should look again! Sir!
    With all do respect!
    Oct. 18 1950 third number pulled aug. 23 1969
    Sir you know nothing about me, yet you imply I'm under read!
    Look deeper, pretend you work for the Post!
    Peace* to your service

  18. Dave, start with Lima 85 laos!
    I'll bring my shovel!
    The War never really ended!

  19. Dave, go talk to the 350 Hmong opps! The spooks brought to eureka in 85! The spooks went to coast oyster, call the iNS had the mex. Deported and forced the company to hire the Hmongs! Then the spooks went over on H and I and gathered up all the Cal-Tran s houses and gave them to the Hmongs and made the payments! Ask them if the war is over? In war! Never follow the bodies! Follow the money!
    Did you really think you were smarter than me? With all do respect to your service!

    Sorry Ernie! I got carried away!

  20. I forget what my draft number was, all I know is I was called for a physical. They said that they didn't want me, they said that I had a bad back. I fooled them, I spent the rest of my life packing refrigerators. But, they were right, my back has hurt every day. I figured if my back hurt anyway, I might as well earn a living.

    We all have our stories. I enjoy the way that people respect each other on this blog. thanks

  21. "As the bitter winds of autumn carry the protests, they threaten sleet and snow as the protests grow. Angry voices ride the winds of change, unafraid of the establishment that has failed them so miserably. Their ranks continue to swell.
    As It Stands, can you hear them? The voices ringing out across the land?"
    Dave Stancliff

  22. Contrary to popular belief, nobody owes you anything.


  23. While some have implied the protesters are a 'circus sideshow fringe group of hula hooping, bongo drumming, Yosemite bear nuisances'...

    About half of Americans have a favorable opinion of the Occupy Wall Street protests.

    In the most recent Time magazine poll released yesterday, 54% of respondents rated the Wall Street protests positively, with 25% saying they had a "very favorable" opinion of them. In contrast, only 27% of respondents viewed the Tea Party favorably. 33% percent of respondents expressed an unfavorable opinion — including 24% who said they had a "very unfavorable" opinion of the Tea Party.

    Though the Occupy movement is only one month old, the early polling suggests it is striking a chord with average Americans.

    Another poll question that was asked:

    "Do you feel things in this country are generally going in the right direction or have things seriously gotten off the on the wrong track?

    WRONG TRACK: 81%

    Make of this what you like and file it wherever it fits.
