Friday, July 1, 2011

American System of Justice

First, this is not about the guilt or innocence of Mr. Strauss-Kahn. Nor the veracity of the hotel maid, 32-year-old, Nafissatou Diallo. It's about the American system of justice.

Mr. Strauss-Kahn was the leader of the International Monetary Fund, an organization that controls the purse strings of the world. Upon the accusation that he had sexually assaulted the maid in the hotel that he was staying, he promptly and wisely resigned his office. He knew that it wouldn't be good for one of the most powerful offices in the world to be involved in a scandal. He was jailed and held on a six million dollar bail for release.

He was a potential candidate for the president of France. On the word of one hotel maid he was jailed and his life was placed in ruin. Now, please don't get me wrong, if he was guilty of what he was accused of, he would be the lowest scum on the face of the Earth, lower than a snake, he should have to "eat dirt and die" (old Biblical saying) Remember the joy that we felt when he was arrested? Nobody, no matter how powerful, should be allowed to take advantage of a woman's charms without her permission. (Period) Most everybody would agree with me there. Say so if you don't!

Now, later, we find out that maybe, just maybe, the lady was making a little fib. I know, maybe she was telling the truth, and this is all just politics. My whole point of this post is that the man was arrested May 14th, he was released without bail on July 1st. If we are so proud of our justice system, why does it take so long to put such an important case together? There is NO excuse big enough to justify ruining a mans life. We now look like fools in the whole world.



  1. Sorry Ernie, this is almost small potatoes compared to this judicial treason: Torture crimes officially, permanently shielded. Obama and bipartisnship make a mockery of the judiciary and the law.

  2. i remember the time they changed my moms medication and we had a new mexican hospice worker. my dad tried to alert her to this fact when she came in the bedroom late at night to give her the medication. she thought he was making a pass at her and quit the next day. the dude was 94 years old. what's he gonna do, drool on her. bill murray lost in translation.

  3. He still has to deal with DNA evidence which is a big problem for him. His only defense would be consensual sex. He still has problems and if the prosecution gives up the case... well, money talks.

  4. Discredit the woman then pay her lots of money. It's been done, oh, hundreds of times. If that doesn't work, she can write a note confessing her lies & then jump out a window.

  5. What kind of Horn Dog boinks a hotel maid? Reminds me of the Sienfeld episode where George gets fired for doing the cleaning woman on his desk and then asks his boss "was that wrong?"

  6. Well, A theory is that, Mr. IMF Horndog put the make on the maid, then she consented, for maybe a little quick cash. She went on to make up a few more rooms while she put together her plan. Knowing that there must be a way to leverage some more money than she got for the quick BJ. She figured that she had his semen on her dress as proof that there was contact, so she gave herself a few appropriate bruises then ratted him out.

    Here's the thing that I don't understand, hardly any American woman would put up with their husbands paying for sex outside the marriage. In France, it seems that it is not only not a problem, but they seem to expect a man to do that kind of thing.

  7. What do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing, you already told her twice.


    P.Ss. Just kiddin' y'all...

  8. Yes...And I have direct testimony that the French were left here by an alien encounter of the butter and cream kind. Gee I hope the former next president of France can somehow keep it in his pants.

  9. You can't really believe everything you read in the news. After all if Obama can come up with a birth certificate, why can't the head of the free worlds banking come up with a good alibi.

  10. Innocent. Until PROVEN guilty.

    Works both ways, though... SHE should also be considered innocent of the shakedown unless and until that is proven. Doesn't look good, though. Really, not for him, either, since apparently another woman has come forward to charge him.

  11. Today the system sucks.

