Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Heat wave

Summer came right on cue. The temperature soared into the 90's on the 21st of June, the summer Solstice. I'm going to be busy for the next few days, so I'll be checking in less often but I will be here. I liked Skippy's post on found treasure, it was fun. Garberville had a parade last Saturday, but I don't have any pictures yet. The parade was one of the best that we have had in a long time. The Blue Room, Gary Futrel, Twango Macallen, and a few others had a rolling Honky-Tonk saloon scene and band goin, on. I didn't get to see the whole parade because I was with the Fire Department.

Well,,, I gotta' get busy...


  1. I like the temp. in the 90's but not sure when it soars there.
    I'm like Ernie, I am solar powered but at this time I am on the coast again which is okay, I guess, but miss the weather on the rez on the lower Yakima Valley. The cool thing, no pun intended, is I can see Vancouver Island in Canada across the strait and the tops of snow covered Olympic Mountains Right behind me. I ain't bitchin' when it rains on the first day of summer but I do prefer the desert mode.
    I know I post the first comment on a lot on Ernie's blogs but what gets my goat is a lot of the time I am the last to post. I hope it is because I offend folks but not being boring.


  2. I wish my stupid computer worked better. I didn't mean the sign my name twice twice.


  3. You hope you offend folks? That doesn't really sound like you, Oregon. You usually leave that up to me! (;
