Sunday, March 6, 2011

Michael Moore, Madison Wisconsin

"Hold the Dickens, She's headed for the barn!" That was an expression that my grandfather Bill Rathjens used to say when he saw something inevitable about to happen. I just listened to a speech by Michael Moore about the demonstration in Wisconsin. Now, I want to be way up front about this, Micheal Moore has previously not been one of my favorite people. I sometimes think of him as an arrogant, overstuffed, trouble-making asshole, but, if I'm forced to admit it, that description sometimes fits me. I hate the expession "having said that", so I won't use it, but this time I think Micheal Moore has finally found his center, and the sincere part of him bubbled to the top and he spoke from his heart. Stangely, he completely echoed my words that many of you bloggers, that follow some of my political blathering on other blogsites will recognize.

I have a friend that has always said that "a revolution cannot be bloodless". I disagreed with him, and I said "that all a bloodless revolution needs is a strong and good leader". Americans are the most passionate and feeling people in the world. even though most of us don't understand the inner working of politics, or the economy, most of us know that good jobs are scarce and times are getting too rough to cope with. More and more people are dropping out and starting to lead lives of crime or welfare. That only puts more strain on honest hard working folks. The ubber-wealthy certainly don't pay the price. When the banks, insurance companies, and stock market were recently bailed-out. It wasn;t the wealty that did it, it was US. You and I, Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer. So, we know that there is a great illnes in the American Workforce that only a revolution can heal. Can Moore be our great leader?  Solutions sometimes come in strange packages.

Did you know that the combinined wealth of the wealtiest 400 people in American is greater than the one-half of rest of the 311,000,000 put together? If you are one of the 400, go the hell away! Don't read this, it's not in your best interest. If you are one of the remaining 311,000,000, you are with me, and I encourge you to listen to Micheal Moores speech that he made on March 5th 2011, in Madison Wisconsin.

Click on the arrow in the center:


  1. Ernie.......There is a revolution coming. It won't be Moore,a union leader,tea party or red and blue states. By 2010 it will be about (Gray Rights). This will be the Boomer Revolution when 87 million baby boomer's retire and find out there's no social security and medi-care money left. The Shit will hit the fan. Desperate people do Desperate Things. When the Grays get in power the public unions won't have a chance.They will turn on there own, just like the blue and gray. Brother against brother. Father against son!

  2. Michael Moore is an inspiring speaker. His point about the widening gap between the richest and poorest of us makes me angry. Have you seen Mother Jones 11 charts?

    Check them out.

  3. I took Kym's eye-opening chart and made an easy to click-on link out of it here:fat-cat chart

  4. Ernie And Kym.....In the 80's I worked for a man in SF. John Minnis belonged the Bohemian Club. John would never talk about the members. Only that the club controlled america. I asked how is this possible. John said to look every sunday in the SF news paper for Ten years. He said no matter where the passing member lived the club on Taylor st. in SF would print a lengthy O-Bit about the member. So over the years I checked the paper on sundays. Sure enough the major players from every strength of our country was listed as there men passed. John said the members would sell off gold reserves to raise or lower the value of the Dollar. Then in 2005 G. William Domhoff of UCSC wrote a paper Titled; WHO RULES AMERICA ; Bohemian Club. Ernie,Kym, please read this guys paper. You will see all the Media Hype about public unions and the spread between money and poor is moot! Regrettably the club rules!

  5. I wonder if the Bohemian Club is actually the Bilderburg Group -

  6. Seems like there were always protests at the gates to Bohemian Grove in Monte Rio every summer when the members arrived for the "big meeting" there.

  7. Well, while we are on the subject of the Bohemian Club, I should, in the interest of full disclosure, say that I have a very good friend and business associate that belongs to the Bohemian Club. He has been a member for quite a few years, as was his father.

    Many that read this blog know him, and I must say that I have never met a more fair or honest man, as many of us that know him would readily agree. He is not only fair and honest but makes it a point to be so. He is also very active in the Garberville community. He donates his time liberally, he has served on many local boards of directors, and Garberville is a much better place because of him. I will say that he has an uncanny ability to know all about politics and business. His predictions are never wrong. Hmmm…..

  8. Ernie, You get reborn and decide to join the living?

    By the way, take a good look around, the "revolution" is already here. Charlie is correct about the fight and who will fight, though. Corporate Elitist and their supporters versus the awakened co-called "common men and women" just like the revolutions in Wisconsin, Egypt, Tunisia, and even Libya.

  9. Joe
    Don't be too encouraged, Michael Moore got it exactly right in Madison, that doesn’t mean that he will continue to get it right, but at least he’s on the side of the working man and jobs. However, just to discourage you again, I also believe like Sarah Palin. We need to “drill baby drill”. We need our own supply of energy to make any kind of a recovery. I fully believe that we can drill safely with proper oversight. We need government inspection and standards for drilling that are enforced, or they shouldn’t drill at all. The Gulf disaster was caused because the government inspectors were in bed (literally) with the oil exects.

  10. I wonder if the president is going to get another Piece Prize?


  11. Peace*
    I hate big words.

