Friday, December 17, 2010

Lunar Eclipse

To the people out there that are guided by the moon, like maybe werewolves. December 21st is going to be a big night for you! Not only is the Earth going to eclipse the Moon, it's going to happen on the winter solstice. Not only is the lunar eclipse going to happen on the solstice, the center of the eclipse will happen almost directly over us. So, the moon will be in full eclipse for quite some time. Totality should last 72 minutes.

Winter solstice happens at 3:38 pm Pacific Time. That's when Fall turns to Winter. Fall turning to Winter is a subtle difference for Humboldters. We only have two seasons here, dust and mud, and we have long been in mud season.

An eclipse hasn't happened on the winter solstice in 456 years. As you can guess, it is a very rare event. What's even more rare is that we would see anything in the night sky in December. So, if I were you, I wouldn't ever get out of bed to look.

The eclipse will go into totality at 11:41 pm Monday the 20th and come back out at 12:53 am (pacific time) Tuesday the 21st. The "umbra", or the mid-eclipse is at December 21st 2010 at 12:36 am Pacific time. Early Tuesday morning. I hope that there is no more confusion.


  1. Back in the early 80's, I say early 80's because I don't remember the exact year and I ain't going to look it up, my son and I went up into the Yolla Bolly wilderness to watch a total eclipse of the moon. It was in July of that year and was Spectacular.


  2. This is confusing but...I believe that we watch on the night of Dec

  3. In the USA the date is the 20th.
    10:00 PM to 10:52 EST and
    7:00 to 7:52 PST.


  4. Starts at 10:33 on the 20th and ends at 2:01 AM on the 21st PST.


  5. There's no excuse for stupid people like Oregon at 3:13!


  6. Best eclipse I've seen was a rising eclipse (Dark Moon Rising, my old fiend Gray Cloud's other name.) from Elk Ridge in Salmon Creek. It looked like a space ship rising over the Lassiks. Really eerie.
    I like the day after when the sun shines a tad longer.

  7. Some links for ya:
    Astrologer Salina Rain's Cosmic Calendar Month of December, 2010
    Montreal Gazette
    Once feared as harbingers of doom, eclipses were blamed for everything from the death of a king to the destruction of crops; the maddening of livestock to the malevolence of war. Even today, they still fill us with awe and wonder, and many still believe that eclipses tie in with cyclical changes that are reflected on both a personal and political level. Indeed, eclipses often symbolize change and transition, and while they can indeed foretell that doom and gloom, more often they signal a need to prepare for the challenges which lie ahead of us, yet to also be open to those turning points which might have a significant effect on your life.

  8. Saw one once when I was a kid backpacking in the Sierras--had no idea it was happening, woke up in the middle of the night and the moon was all red--freaked us out! Last one I saw was at Burning Man a few years ago--beautiful, red moon with crystal clear desert skies...and then the added bonus of somebody lighting the man on fire prematurely..anyway, hope I hope the clouds break enough tomorrow night to see something!

  9. and winters solstice 2010, yes 12-21-2012 is what the Mayan Elders (whose calender has been correct for the past 25,000 years on every lunar eclipse) Call "Hunab Ku",

    According to the Popol Vuh, a book compiling details of creation accounts known to the K'iche' Maya of the Colonial-era highlands, we are living in the fourth world.[28] The Popol Vuh describes the first three creations that the gods failed in making and the creation of the successful fourth world where men were placed. In the Maya Long Count, the previous creation ended at the start of a 14th b'ak'tun.

    The previous creation ended on a long count of Another will occur on December 20, 2012, followed by the start of the 14th b'ak'tun,, on December 21, 2012.

    According to Native American oral traditions there are four cycles of aproximately 26,000 years in which the Indigenous peoples trace their heritage from the Pleiades Star system. Each period is considered as a World Cycle. These 26,000 year cycles were divided into 5 subperiods or SUNS by the Mayas. We are now completing the 4th WORLD / 5th SUN. Each subperiod / SUN consisited of 5,2000 years of 360 days each. Or 5,125 years of 365.25 days.

    The beginning point of this 5125 year Great Cycle began in the year 3113 B.C. If you add 5125 years to this beginning date you get 2012 A.D. and the alignment of the winter solstice marking the end of the 5th SUN and the 4th WORLD. From here we potentially shift into the transitional phase leading into the 5th WORLD. This is a most important date with many people becoming aware of its potential significance and leading to much speculation as to what it entails.
    Hunab Ku

  10. The full moon on the 21st is a total lunar eclipse in the last degree of Gemini. It will be visible just after midnight (In the night of the 20th, the eclipse will begin and be exact right after 12:00 am on the 21st). This sets the stage for our entrance into the Winter Solstice when the Sun moves into Capricorn in the afternoon. This eclipse moves us into alignment with the Center of the Galaxy; the most exact alignment of Moon, Earth, Sun and the Center of the Milky Way in a powerful one hour eclipse. This alignment can tune us into the greater unity of this cosmos we live in and the sacred space in which we move through this universe. Use this time to gather, move into and feel this sacred space, the sacred earth, and the special mission that we are on, to assist moving into a new level of consciousness for our planet. Eclipses can bring to awareness what needs to be seen and can’t be hidden anymore. We may use this time to explore an issue within ourselves, relationships, or situations that need more light and clarification, especially where we may feel unsure or split. We are stretched between the old and the new here, the comfortable and the unknown. It is time to embrace the new and open to receive into the heart the wisdom and love of this universe.

  11. Dang Spy, I hope I don't have to do all that tonight. I sleep all night and don't get up till 4 or 5 AM. I will miss the whole getting in touch with the universe I guess. It is snowing here so I wouldn't be able to see it anyway.


  12. Thanks Spy, really really great post.

    Leaving the past behind ..

  13. Well, so far tonight there is a break in the storm and the moon has been spectacular. Hope it holds for the show later tonight!

  14. WOW. Rain and fog all around, but it got perfectly clear to show a dried blood colored moon with incredibly bright stars all around it. Lucky lucky!!!!

  15. I can see the moon through the clouds here and it is white. The lack of red must be from the cloud cover?


  16. Nope, You're too late. It was mostly over when you looked.

  17. At 11:20 it was 3/4 covered, at 12:40 is was fully covered and at 1:25 it was 1/2 covered.
    Interesting observation, it was 30° before the eclipse, 27° during full eclipse and 30° after the event.


  18. We had totally clear skies for the event in Mexico and as the moon went dark the neighborhood dogs started a group crying sound - not barking at all - for about a half hour. Across the street at an eclipse party they were smashing pinatas after mid-night with lots of music and screaming of course.

  19. The skies cleared for us here - we got to see it - directly overhead.

    If you missed it - Time lapse video of Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse on December 21, 2010 from 1:10 AM EST (6:10 GMT) to 5:03 AM EST (10:03 GMT) from Gainesville Florida. Music is Claude Debussy Nocturnes: Sirènes.

  20. this is an extremely powerful day especially the time frame between the eclipse/full moon and the solstice, setting the stage for the next period of time. It is imperative that you stay away from any situations where conflict, violence, argument or disagreement is anywhere present. Keep your energy focused and clean. If you have your ducks in a row and have managed to maintain balance and focus, you could experience a higher centered breakthrough with a lot of insights, clarity, intention and a great sense of rightness to your life and direction. If not, you could be in for a breakdown. Breakdowns will happen in the aftermath of this day and will affect anything that should have been dealt with beforehand. Make sure to do something special to honor this day, set your intentions, write your wish lists and treat this solstice as the true beginning of a new year. If you are still dealing with situations that do not have closure, do something symbolic such as a burning ceremony around the issues to acknowledge your intention of completion. Practice gratitude for the elements, nature, your allies and all the help that is always available.
    this eclipse window is just about closed. i didn't post this sooner because i don't like to interfere in people's karma. not my job.
    however, i have been real careful at work today and nice to everyone i ran into.
    just in case there is precision which means room for error, i actually celebrated this solstice last saturday night. it was going to be an all night vigil outside by a fire in the forest. instead, there was a gale blowing rainstorm outside and i spent the night tending the woodstove inside with six beautiful ladies spread out on the floor all around me. it was a tuff job trying to stay up all night but somebody had to do it. so you could technically still have your solstice tonight or tomorrow oregon. just like that jimmy buffet song, its eclipsing somewhere.
    you could make one of those prayer sticks and tie bags of different types of seeds on it and then throw it into the fire along with some tobacco. that's what we did. probably, a bunch of different kinds of pot seeds would work up there. burn something and let it symbolize all those issues you don't want to deal with anymore. it worked for me.
