Sunday, September 19, 2010

How to refinish a tub

Robin wants to know how to refinish a tub. Oregon told her that I might know...

Reply: Yeah, I've got a bunch of stuff on tubs. Do the research, and do it right. It has to be professionally done, and the fumes can kill you. The restorations turn out great though. More later…

I’ve been up to my eyeballs lately. More later…

Did you notice that Joe’s back? More later….

I’m on my way to Laytonville to LaNell Goforth’s funeral. More later…
My internet at home is out. More later…
Think of something to talk about until I get back. More later…


  1. Ernie and Janis built their home from the ground up to the peak of the roof. All of Ernie's sinks and tubs are all custom build with plywood and fiberglass covered with tile. Did I mention that Ernie and Janis did ALL the building? Now I question the remark Ernie made about needing a professional to do the work. Does any body out there that knows Janis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,or Ernie think they are professional carpenters?


  2. Joe's back??? Where? Hi Joe.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ernie and Janis built their home from the ground up to the peak of the roof.

    That's awesome, and I bet he's gonna write the story too.
