Thursday, July 29, 2010

A thought provoking blogpost on Laytonville.

I hope Robin Shelley is still out there to give us her thoughts on the essay printed at Sohum Parlance II. Ben emailed me this morning and made notice that one Bruce Brady wrote an interesting essay on the Laytonville school in particular and the community in general. I'm not going to reprint it here. Please go to Sohum Parlance for complete context.

Click below:



  1. I believe Robins computer is in the hospital for a time.


  2. Oregon
    As an old Laytonvillain do you have any comment???

  3. I'm thinking here..


  4. I went to LHS in my sophomore year but it was not like going to a new school as it is with most kids that have to change schools. I already knew most everybody in the valley or was related to them.
    My son went to LHS after we moved to town from Hayfork. If it wasn't for football and wrestling my son may not have gone to school at all. He went (in season) so he could participate in the sports otherwise he spent most of his time hunting deer and diving for abalone. At this time I still had a feeling of bonds to Laytonville but things had changed too much for me even in the 80's.
    The only reason I ever go back there is to see family and friends. Other than that, Humboldt, Mendocino and Trinity counties has no hold on me.
    That used to make me look at the ceiling at midnight and wonder where did all those people come from and what made them so different than what I grew up with.


  5. oregon really said something i can relate to. hunting deer and diving for abolone. butch trutman, someone i grew up with who used to do both of those things lived near point reyes. the government basically took away his inheritance and made a national park out of it. but butch and family used to come down here pheasant hunting and he brought down over 30 abolone one time which i had to help hammer for a feed to remember. of course the tradition was to go deer hunting on their ranch near olema at their barbeque pit that they had to tear down because of some kind of snail darter.;
    but butch was a great guy and we had some good times and no one can take that away from us.

  6. Hey Ern, when you get time, don't forget about the post about "where are the Indians".
    I was all kind of exited about that one.


  7. Oregon
    It really is in the cooker. I haven't had a lot of time lately. I've gone back and changed a few things because I want to get it right, but it's coming.

  8. Heck Ernie, don't worry about it being right, I never do.


  9. dang, you betcha Ernie's got good workin' cooler, but i wonder what's goin' on in the cooker, we'll see. Is he following Oregon's recipe?

  10. no, your wrong, but heck, that's okay, "don't worry about being right"... Suzy's hungry

  11. You guys should pick on Ernie, it's his blog site. Besides, I'm right almost all of the time.


  12. Ernie, my first thought is that I'm glad Bruce Brady taught English & not history.
