The Roy Hieder Memorial service will be today (Sat. 4th of April) At the Redway fire hall, 155 Empire lane, behind Shop Smart in Redway.
There will be a celebration of Roy's life. Food and beverages will be served. Please consider helping everybody celebrate with us.
Service will start at 2:00pm, Food after.
Thanks to Bunny for this reminder span style="color:#3333ff;">Bunny has left a new comment :
Also of historical significance is the event today celebrating the life of Roy Heider. Redway Fire Dept. is hosting this memorial and Rotary is arranging it. Roy lived in Garberville (actually Redway) since the end of W.W.II. He served in that war and the Korean War. It's a day to note in our local history. See you there Ern.
Who is the little guy you have pictured here, Ernie?
I saw that Roy had passed away when I was typing in obits at work last week. I have friends who will be down there for the memorial service today.
Well... I thought that it was Roy as a child, but I now think that it was another "Roy Heider" not our Roy. Thank you for asking. I removed it.
Ernie... That was a great memorial. Roy was such a remarkable guy and that is coming from someone who did not appreciate him 30 years ago. He sure did grow on me. Maybe we'll get a chance to finish our conversation soon. Something about the Poe family.... Hold that thought.
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