The parade went extremely well, the bikers really enjoyed it. A lot of them have never seen a small town parade before, they thought that it was fun. A few pushed their bikes out of town, because they had to be somewhere else. The word got out real fast that there would be no motorcycles running while that parade was going. The bikers police themselves, and if you just say out of it, they solve their own problems. Actually, the additional people in town made the atmosphere quite festive. It was really neat to see strangers lined up and down the street obviously enjoying the small town scene.
The water fight went well we trapped the newly formed Alderpoint fire department, and the Beginnings fire department with their new trucks, between the Garberville and Redway fire departments. They smelled a rat and they were ready for us, and they hosed us admirably. We were careful not to hit the crowd, but they started to run out into it just to get wet. It was the warmest parade that we’ve had in years. Redway was stuck in the back, and we were not able to hose everybody well so we aimed our 750 Gpm monitor nozzle down the street and turned it on. The water shot straight down the street for about 225 feet, and slowly drifted over the crowd. We thought; “uh-oh we’re dead”. But, again the crowd ran out in front of it and let it rain on then. They were screaming for more, but desecration being the better part of valor we backed off getting the crowd too wet.
What a hell of a fun day!!!
I bribed the judges a dollar, and The Redway Fire Department won a trophy for something. I couldn’t find it so I suspect it will be “sold” to me at a Rotary meeting.
By the way, at the Bull Riding last night, we had an auction on the bull riders, where the person that buys the winning bull rider gets to take all the winnings. Some of us locals put twenty dollars per share in a pot and we bid on a few bull riders. Some of the riders sold for hundreds of dollars. We bought one rider that nobody liked for twenty bucks, and he stayed on both of his rides and we won the pot. The moral of the story is don’t ever piss off a bull rider. He’ll stick to that bull like glue.
Gotta’ go barbecue steaks at the Rodeo. Catch you on the flip-flop if you’re a log truck driver.
I've been thinking about the Garberville Rodeo as of late. I had a lot of fun playing the barn dances when they were held up in Phillipsville. We would always get requests for George Strait's "Amarillo By Morning" and anything by Chris Ledoux. Of course, we always oblidged.
Happy 51st Garberville Rodeo! Held on the same weekend as the Redwood Run is bizarre, but, what a weekend. And no reggae music heard for miles around.
where the hell is the trophy?
I think that the person that has it heard that I bribed the judges, and he is holding it ransom hoping for some payolla himself!
So, how did you know that we didn't have the trophy yet???
I think the trophy was actually for me anyway, because it was for the best parade spirit. And everybody knows that I would never start a water fight!!!
Nope not me!!
Your post left me feeling extremely proud of my town and a little sad I couldn't be both places at once. At least you gave me a feel for what I missed.
Elmer?!! Where did you get Elmer?!! I want one!
Remember Elsie? Is Borden still in business?
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